Expert says biogas can end energy crisis


Biogas, which is produced by the fermentation of organic matter like animal waste, cow and buffalo dung, human waste and tree leaves, may be helpful in meeting the persistent energy crisis in the country and its cost is 35 to 50 percent less than that of charcoal, kerosene oil and firewood to get energy, Pakistan Council of Science and Industrial Research (PCSIR) Biotechnology and Food Department Chief Scientific Officer Dr Sakhawat Ali said on Sunday. He said the energy crisis was a big problem in the country and it could be tackled by enhancing livestock and dairy development. “Animal dung can be used for the generation of gas and effluent can be used as fertilizer,” he said, adding at present, Pakistan had 29.9 million buffalos, 33 million cattle and 562 million poultry.
“One buffalo or cow produces 15 kg dung per day and there are 56,900,000 animals and even if 50 percent of the dung is collected every day, it can reach 426,750,000 kg.” “According to the statistics of PCSIR labs, one kg dung can produce 0.05 m3 biogas hence we can generate 2.1x10m3 gas every day,” he said, adding that biogas produces a smokeless flame and is environment-friendly. “It is the best substitute for natural gas and it costs less than all other energy resources,” he said, adding that it could make the country self-reliant and can also help in the production of nitrogen-rich fertilizers. “A biogas plant can be set up within Rs 40,000 to Rs 150,000 and its components are easily available in the local market,” he said.


  1. And how, in a country lacking infrastructure, do you propose to collect the dung? This is a supply chain problem on a massive scale.

  2. biogas is solution of our energy crisis but the problem is that mostly people cant not know about it usage and its benefits,GOVT should promote it. and the other reason to ovoid to usage biogas plant is its cost, mostly people can not afford it. it should be chap and portable like Indian ARTI biogas plant.

  3. Please read headline – as – "Bogus expert claims he can end energy crisis" . Really we have to address our "ignorance deficit" sooner that later. I suggest we all go to the roof of our houses on 31/12 @ midnight and shout at the top of our voice " I AM FED-UP WITH EXPERTS – I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE. !! – No 1 may be listening that night ( at the very least Shabaz Sherif may give them a job)

  4. The Idea given by experts is very true,
    Let me share some information about biogas, Bio gas can also be produce with our daily home waste (Fruit, Vegetable waste) and it can produce enough gas to cook meal for 3 time a day. just imagine the green waste daily produced at our fruit and vegetable market in our cities how much gas can be produces. its time to help yourselfand i belive you people are more intellegent than our government.
    soon i will start work on this project and INSHA ALLAH will do better for my community.

  5. Dear, My self interested to install biogas plant at home,can you please send me your contact number.


  6. yes! biogas is solution of our energy crisis but But People dont understand it;s benefits. GOVT should promote it. and the other reason to ovoid to usage biogas plant is its cost, mostly people can not afford it..

  7. Yes, I can forward detailed design and worksheet for any body interested, my contact is [email protected] cell: 03212445110-03339292857.
    let's forget about the government, it is our problem and we have to solve it. I m a farmer main benefit if Biogas is Gas, electricity and fertilizer, fertilizer cost me every year 30000/- per acre which is free now.

  8. Sir send me the detail requirement i wanna to install bio gas plant in my home.

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