No chance of early elections: Gilani


Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani has rejected any chance of early elections and said polls would be held on time after parliament completes its tenure.
He told reporters after inaugurating the new building of Pakistan Television Centre that the government would follow the constitutional and legal process to hold general elections. Gilani said the demand for early elections was an “old technique of the have-nots to become haves”. “However, we will act according to the constitution,” the prime minister said. He said the coalition government was stable and assured that other political parties also supported the view that parliament should complete its tenure. He said the hue and cry for early polls was aimed at sabotaging the upcoming Senate elections in March. Gilani also said the revised foreign policy with the United States and NATO would be approved by parliament. He said the Parliamentary Committee on National Security was preparing recommendations on the issue, which would be finalised by parliament. When asked about relations between President Asif Ali Zardari and Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvaiz Kayani, the prime minister said “these [ties] are very good”. He rejected the impression of “begging” or “requesting” the army chief for accepting an extension in his term, and said this was an ambiguity brought on by the English translation of his words. On the creation of a Saraiki province, the prime minister said the matter enjoyed the support of coalition partners and would be pursued with consensus.


  1. Elections should be held at their time. Not a day earlier. We need to learn to follow Constitution.

  2. Why ? The PM has to clarify about early elections. Is he afraid of the dark. Let it be, believe in Allah Subhana Talah, he gave you this respect and can take it when ever he wishes. when the time come's every one will know.

    You should worry more about doing something constructive for Pakistan and the down trodden who might remember you for any small thing you do for them. You have still time to amend your mistakes and correct some of your wrongs.

  3. Still some time is left Mr. Prime Minister, enough to solve the miseries of 65 years. I read on PTV that you will solve miseries of 65 years now. In 2012, I hope we would have electricity, gas, security and democracy. No matter what the economy is, democracy should prevail which means you people should sit in houses and screw the people with gas bombs and electricity bombs

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