Syed Noor to undergo Dopplar, Echo tests today


Syed Noor, admitted to Sheikh Zayed Hospital Saturday night, had considerably recovered his spirits by Sunday night. According to details provided by his family, Noor was having breakfast at his residence at 11am on Saturday when he collapsed. He was rushed to the hospital on suspicion that he was having a stroke. “Within an hour and a half, Noor was feeling much better,” said Sheikh Zayed PRO Farah. “He has had a myocardial infarction and will be undergoing tests soon.”
Syed Noor would have his Doppler and Echo tests today (Monday). In a Myocardial infarction, more commonly known as a heart-attack, the blood supply to the heart stops, causing some heart cells to die. Doctors felt the stroke resulted from this. “He has recovered excellently since yesterday,” Farah said. “In fact, he is conversing and laughing normally. But he is to stay here till he has recovered completely.” Noor returned to Pakistan a week ago, after a month-long visit to Dubai. He was working on a project which features both, Pakistani and Indian actors.


  1. May Allah (SWT) grant him complete health and may he recover from his ailment very soon. He is a nice person.

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