Mansoor Ijaz claims 3 Pakistani officials drafted memo


The key character of memogate scandal, Mansoor Ijaz, has made fresh revelations in his reply submitted in Supreme Court.
He also said that US Gen. James Jones has issues with his memory, making his tendency of remembering something questionable.
He wrote that three high-level Pakistani officials jointly prepared memogate, adding that he had informed Jones about Hussain Haqqani while sending him memo.
In his reply submitted in apex court, Mansoor Ijaz declared that on May 9, he held telephonic conversation with Gen. James Jones for no less than 19 minutes and 26 seconds and that he had told the latter about Hussain Haqqani concluding the discussion.
Also, the renowned US businessman made several other revelations in his statement. His written reply stated that he sent a covering letter to Jones coupled with memogate. The covering letter disclosed that the memo had been drafted by those officials who served at civil and military positions and that the memo had been prepared by three high-level officials.
He claimed that one of three officials told him to send the memo to the then US army chief Mike Mullen.
Ijaz mentioned in his reply that he stood in constant touch with two US officials in order to personally deliver memo to Mullen however, Ijaz blackened the names of those US officials in his written reply to SC so that the names should become unreadable.
He said that he had told Gen. Jones that it was necessary for the memogate to reach Mullen’s office as early as May 10 because the Mullen had been scheduled to meet key Pakistani officials next day (May 11) in White House. By this way, the memo could have become part of important official documents.
In the end, the respondent highlighted he personally knows two of three key officials who prepared the memogate, he maintained.


  1. Another twist to the memogate. Earlier on Ijaz claimed tha Haqqani dictated the memo to him by phone and now has added two more persons. Very confusing.

  2. Supremw court of Pakistan should be given full opprtunity and support to make it clear who is right and who is wronge. Thus most of the ills of Palistan be solved for ever.

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