Dr Fauzia condemns govt policies


Dr Fauzia Siddiqui, the sister of imprisoned Dr Aafia Siddiqui, on Friday condemned the government for towing pro-American policies and urged the people to fight for their rights. Addressing a press conference at the Quetta Press Club, she said that the government had adopted an apologetic attitude towards NATO regarding the murder of 24 military personnel. She said that it would be an insult to the Pakistani nation if the NATO supplies were resumed after a mere apology. Dr Fauzia said that five military operations had been conducted in Balochistan in which innocent people and leaders were killed, adding that she had come to Balochistan to express solidarity with the Balochi people and the families of the missing persons. She said that the missing persons were in the custody of the government agencies. She demanded that if these people have committed any crime then they should be produced before the court of law, instead of being confined to illegal detention.


  1. After what they did to our sister and her children, it is a clear obligation to fight jihad against america, canada, britain, france, australia and the rest of the countries taking part in this war on Islam. Immediately physically break her out of the carswell medical detention facility in fort worth in texas, and immediately locate and rescue her son Suleyman, who is eight now. Do the same for all of our entrapped brothers and sisters accross the world NOW! Join the ranks of al-qeida, the taliban, hizbi-Islam, fata-al-Islam, the patrons of the Lal Masjid, boko haram, and terrorize the disbelievers. There is none worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is his Messenger. They drone our children, blowing them up into pieces in front of their mothers, and we fear fighting them because of the fear we have of them calling us terrorists. We are terrorists and we are proud to be terrorists. It is a commandment from Allah to terrorize them. They orchestrate famines in places like Somalia. Enough is ENOUGH!

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