SC upholds previous NRO verdict, orders implementation


The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Thursday issued the detailed verdict in the review case of National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO). The 31-page detailed verdict drafted by Justice Tassadaq Hussain Jilani said the federal counsel was heard but he failed to give arguments to build the case and the parliament did not validate the NRO. Dismissing the government’s pleas to review the NRO verdict, the Supreme Court in its detailed verdict ordered the government to immediately implement its ruling in letter and spirit.
The detailed verdict bears signatures of all the 17 judges comprising the full court that heard the case. “It may be observed that this court is seized with the matter relating to review of the judgment dated 16.12.2009 in pursuance whereof, the National Reconciliation Ordinance, 2007 was declared void ab initio, being ultra vires and violative of certain articles of the Constitution, therefore, to be deemed non est from the day of its promulgation,” says the judgment. It adds: “However, after hearing the learned counsel for the petitioner from 21st to 24th of November, 2011 at length and having gone through the documents as well as considering all the aspects of the case relating to the Review Petition filed under Article 188 of the Constitution to review the judgment dated 16.12.2009, we are of the considered opinion that no case is made out for the review of the said judgment. Resultantly, the Review Petition and CMA No 5144/2011 are dismissed with no order as to costs. The concerned authorities are hereby directed to comply with the judgment dated 16.12.2009 in letter and spirit without any further delay.”
The detailed judgment upheld Supreme Court’s verdict on NRO of December 16, 2009 and declared NRO void ab initio being ultra vires and in violation of various constitutional provisions including articles 4, 8, 25, 62(f), 63(i) (p), 89, 175 and 227.


  1. Tough decisions will need to be made to take Pakistan out of this state of ambiguity and embark upon the process of disambiguation.

  2. It was expected. Nobody expects justice from Chaudhry Court. It works under dictation of Princes of Jeddah.

    • perhaps you r not aware of the judicial sysytem. look at thejudicial history hardly any review petition has been accepted. you expect that what ever the counsel for federation has stated should have been accepted in toto. Let the PPP govt implement the orders of the aprx court. lest the law takes its own course.

  3. NRO is illegitimate child of Mr.Mushraf Pervez which cannot be bestowed legitimacy by Courts- What is Non-permissible cannot be made permissible by act of Court. Judgment of the Supreme Court is in accordance with law of the Land and Shariah dictates which never declares a bastard child as legitimate.
    M.Anwar Malik

    • I agree with the views expressed by the author . In fact the present turmoil in the country is attributed to the wrong policies of dictator Musharaf pervez who disgraced the judiciary to remain in power . The politicians who sided with him like Gujrati Chaudrias shoud be taken to task for supporting Musharf in destroying vital institutions in Pakistan

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