GM food necessary to overcome hunger?


The article reads like a thoroughly brainwashed outcome of the MNC’s corporate propaganda, without understanding how Biology and Agriculture operate, or bothering to refer to independent research on what is wrong with GM – easily available on the internet all that has been demonstrated the world over.
How can the author, unload such false and dangerous disinformation and marketing hype on the public, especially in Islamabad, which city already suffers from excessive and unwarranted influence from vested interests, both local and foreign?
There is a need to check out the updated information on global food security issues. The world already produces enough to feed 11.5 billion people, but it does not reach the hungry in the South, whose fundamental rights to food and livelihoods have been sold out by rights-violating commodification of food, land and other essentials by self-serving governments and politicians to multinational agro-businesses, WTO’s (non-)free trade, and global financial and food trade speculators. GM technology development is self-contradictory and ultimately suicidal, as it depends on wild biodiversity to obtain gene traits it needs to fiddle with (“modify”) to obtain so-called “new” varieties, which are then patented and also aggressively imposed on small farmers who do not need them. Yet GM is a continuation of monoculture that has already destroyed most of the world’s edible biodiversity. If not anything else, the author at least needs to read up on what the UN and FAO have to say about what will happen if we do not at the earliest return to traditional, organic, sustainable agriculture, and if the world continues doing industrial agriculture. This has already degraded most of the world’s soils, poisoned its water bodies, as well as wrecked the health of poverty-stricken peasants and farmers who work the land, by following the misguided, profit-oriented-for-the-MNCs path.

Najma Sadeque