MEU students make low cost drone


A group of students has succeeded to make light drone aircraft, which can take flight up to two kilometers and target any object.
According to a private TV channel a student of Mardan Engineering University Farman Elahi and his friends made a drone aircraft with very low cost. The plane can carry two kilograms bombs, and travel for 2 kilometers, which is three times to its actual weight. The aircraft can also perform air surveillance.
The plane is displayed at a science exhibition held at Peshawar University. The inventor of the drone craft told the media that it is equipped with IP Cameras and DVR System due to which it may also be used for aerial intervention and surveillance purposes.
Replying a question he said that it costs Rs 46,000.


  1. Well making of a drone is no big deal, it's just an RC plane. The thing we need is strong satellite system and geo-mapping to guide the drones to their targets. Nice effort though. Pakistan's dilemma is that here the young graduates are considered nothing unless they have any experience. While in west, all the researches and new technology including the defense stuff is produced by the University Labs. Students get their projects and experience, while the military gets the gadget as well as the engineer. Even if you make a Rupees 5 drone, it's of no use!!!

  2. In my view, we should develop a strong surveillance system in order to prvent the intruders from violating the geographic boundaries of Pakistan hence a big question on the sovereignity of our nation……

  3. great work. You know number of different aspects count. Its a great work even thought its an RC plane at the end of the day. Structure, which looks like a drone and can fly, its self is a great work which should be appreciated. Why do you want to rely on satellite, if Mr. Rasheed Ansari refers to GPS system then obviously at present its not a problem for any one as GPS is free for entire world. Apart from structure and engine, guidance, navigation are one of the most important factors but in any part of world entirely different departments are developed which takes care of these two. obviously you cant expect a undergraduate to provide you 100 % of every thing.

  4. Great achievement.We proud on you keep it up.You are shaheen of the great Pakistan

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