Bashir likely to replace Haqqani


As a result of Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US Hussain Haqqani’s likely removal from his office, a major reshuffle will take place in the Foreign Ministry, with Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir also being replaced, along with the designation of new envoys to Washington and Brussels. Ambassador Haqqani, who is facing an enquiry upon his return from Washington on Sunday in the ‘Memogate’ controversy, is likely to be replaced by Bashir, who is going to retire in March. “As the foreign secretary can’t be appointed ambassador as long as he or she is in the current office, [Bashir] could be given a premature retirement and sent to Washington as the new envoy,” said a Pakistani diplomat here on Sunday, requesting anonymity. However, he said another option that was being looked into was to send Jalil Abbas Jilani, currently Pakistan’s Ambassador to Brussels, as the new ambassador to the US, or to appoint him foreign secretary if Bashir was sent to the US. The diplomat said Foreign Office Additional Secretary for Europe Abdul Basit was likely to go to Brussels to replace Jilani. Foreign Office Spokeswoman Tehmina Janjua will also proceed to Italy as the new envoy on December 5, to be replaced by Zara Akbari, a senior official in the ministry.


  1. I am sorry not only do I disagree but also prepared to vehemently oppose.

    The skeletons in his cupboard are horrific.

  2. Pakistan needs career diplomats working in key capitals of the world.

    Mr Bashir is in the employment of the Government of Pakistan. There used to be two year cooling off period post retirement before a government officer could take another position which invited remuneration for his or her services. I believe if I am not mistaken it came in the wake of Government of India Act 1935.

    If that service rule is still in place it would be advisable to to revisit this (service rule) rather than giving Mr Bashir a waver.

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