Apple finally trying to fix infuriating ‘autocorrect’ feature


Entire websites have sprung up that celebrate the embarrassment and amusement it’s caused, but Apple is now trying to fix the ‘autocorrect’ function on iPhones. The feature is supposed to make texting easier, but all too often it automatically inserts words that give messages entirely cringe-worthy or downright rude meanings. The Android auto-correct function is acknowledged as being far superior since it lets users pick out words they want to use. This, apparently, was not lost on Apple, because a developer has unearthed a hidden autocorrect keyboard bar in iOS 5 that works in a similar way.
Sonny Dickson, who describes himself as a ‘tech enthusiast’, found the as yet un-released feature lurking in the operating system’s code, which he explains can be switched on using a simple hack. Its presence means that Apple is probably testing it before setting it live. However, the day when the new text function comes online is likely to be viewed as a sad one by many users, such is the entertainment value of the current autocorrect.