Syria calls for urgent Arab summit to address crisis


Damascus on Sunday called for an Arab summit to address the crisis in Syria, a day after the Arab League suspended the country’s membership over its failure to implement a plan to end bloodshed.
“Syria demands an emergency Arab summit to address the crisis and its negative consequences in the Arab world,” state television reported. Meanwhile, massive pro-regime crowds vented their anger on Sunday as international pressure mounted on President Bashar al-Assad after an Arab League decision to suspend Syria and over its bloody protest crackdown. In central Damascus, tens of thousands of people turned out in support of Assad, waving Syrian flags and portraits of the embattled leader. “The people want Bashar al-Assad,” yelled demonstrators gathered at Sebaa Bahrat Square, also chanting patriotic slogans. Footage broadcast by state television showed another massive rally unfolding in Omayad Square, also in the capital.
“The Syrian people are filling the squares of the nation and announce their rejection of the Arab League decision,” state television said, showing more pro-regime protests in the commercial hub of Aleppo and other cities. Arab League foreign ministers on Saturday called for the withdrawal of Arab envoys from Damascus and agreed on sanctions while inviting “all currents in the Syrian opposition to meet at Arab League headquarters in three days to draw up a joint vision for the coming transitional period.”
The opposition Syrian National Council hailed the Arab League decision, and said it is ready to take part in the proposed talks regarding a transitional period. The SNC “welcomes the decisions… considers them a step in the right direction, and a clear condemnation of the Syrian regime, which has persisted in its killing and destruction campaigns,” an official of the council said.
It stressed “readiness to participate in discussions regarding the transitional period” on the basis Assad departs and is replaced by a democratic government that excludes anyone “whose hands have been tainted with blood.” Demonstrators attack Saudi, Qatari, Turkish embassies in Syria Shortly after the Arab League decision, hundreds of angry demonstrators attacked the Damascus embassies of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, two of the 18 members of the pan-Arab group to vote for the move. “In the evening, numerous demonstrators entered the chancery, breaking window and sacking the inside,” SPA said in a dispatch from Damascus. Earlier, hundreds of people demonstrated in front of the building and showered in with rocks.
Turkey on Sunday ordered the evacuation of non-essential diplomatic personnel from Syria after protestors attacked the Turkish embassy and consulates in the country, the Anatolia news agency reported. Diplomats’ families would also be evacuated under the decision, made amid growing security concerns following the attacks late Saturday, diplomats told Anatolia.
The pro-regime protests came after world leaders applauded the Arab League decision. “After the Assad regime flagrantly failed to keep its commitments, the Arab League has demonstrated leadership in its effort to end the crisis and hold the Syrian government accountable,” said US President Barack Obama. Meanwhile, on Sunday security forces shot dead five people who shouted slogans against President Bashar al-Assad at a rally organised by the authorities in the city of Hama to show popular anger at an Arab League decision to suspend Syria, local activists said. “Security forces were leading public workers and students into Orontes square when groups broke away and started shouting ‘the people want the fall of the regime’. They escaped into the alleyways but were followed and five were killed.” said one of the activists in Hama, 240 km north of Damascus.