Lady health worker dies during protest in Lahore


A lady health worker lost her life while protesting against the non-payment of salaries at Bagh-e-Jinnah in Lahore on Saturday, a private TV channel reported.
The police had cordoned off the park to prevent the protestors to come out on the Mall road, but the protestors broke out through on the park’s gates and blocked the Mall road. Another health worker was injured following clashes with the police. The workers had not been paid for the past three months which led them to come out on the streets.
Earlier, the Lady Health Workers had threatened to protest if their unpaid salaries were not given to them by Oct 15.
Last week, during a protest, the women got so desperate that Lady Health Workers Association chairperson Bushra Arain, and two others tried to set themselves on fire, but were stopped by the police.
Nearly 26,000 staffers of the government’s family planning and primary healthcare unit have been continuously protesting against the non-payment of their salaries saying that they have not been paid Rs 7,000 for the last four months.


  1. the authorities should pay attention to the protest call by LHWs and make arrangement for regular payment of salaries and give wakeup call to the concerned quarter for regularizing these workers and finding solution on permanent basis
    there is also need to give them service structure and equal chances of promotion
    the LHWs are doing commendable service in preventive & curative side at grass root level
    we salute them
    long live LHWs
    long live Pakistan

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