PML-N asked to get ready to face Imran tsunami


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has expressed surprise at the extent to which the PML-N leadership is removed from facts and from people’s aspirations and demands.
Reacting to PML-N Deputy Secretary General Ahsan Iqbal’s statement that Imran Khan “had been launched by some powers to divide the vote bank of PML-N and stop it from becoming the majority party in the National Assembly”, PTI Central Vice President Aamer Mahmood Kiani asserted that this pattern of thinking could only come from people who have taken birth in the lap of dictators and who have traditionally served the interests of despots.
Imran Khan is a leader of proven national and international stature and he does not need the crutches of dictators to be launched in a country that has overwhelmingly acknowledged his unparalleled achievements in various fields.
He advised PML-N leadership to come out of this syndrome and get ready to face the Imran tsunami in the next general elections that would wash away all remnants of a captive mindset and liberate the country from the clutches of the exploitative tentacles of PML-N and other parties led by the traditionally corrupt mafias.


  1. Over confident PTI is doing more damage to themselves than to others. They will bad lose and will disappear. They are accepting Musharrad lotas while criticizing others.

  2. After his mother passed away, he used his fame to get donations to build a hospital for cancer patients. that very hospital is throwing out lymphoma patients over the age of 50 citing their ages at too old to treat. the average age for getting the disease is 60+. Imran khan may have cared about his own mother but not other peoples mothers. this is the same man who condemned Musharraf and then tried to make a secret deal with him in england. He's a Taliban apologist who complains about dirty politics while towing the ISI line and patronizing our extremist thinking religious parties. unfortunately, most of middle class pakistan and youngsters are taken in by his dramatics. the man deserves to be in jail for lying about giving people opportunity to treat cancer when he ejects those who genuinely need help out of his hospital (even when they are willing to pay).

    • Faisal with due respect I will disagree with you. My understanding is that the Shakut Khanam administration makes all the decision and Imran is not involved in day to day operation. There are hundreds and thousands patient get treatment and many are treated free. To generalize and say that he is throwing out lymphoma patients would be very unfair. I don't disagree that there might be circumstances where they deemed that can not help a patient but on a large scale the hospital has proven beneficial for masses.

      with best regards,

      akif from Houston, TX

    • Your own argument is flawed…if Imran was actually looking to loot people from his hospital…WHY WOULD HE KICK OUT PATIENTS WHO WANT TO PAY!!!…please come out of this mindset and recognize that firstly, Imran is not operating the hospital on a daily basis but is now a mere figurehead while a professional board and senior doctors take care of who can be admitted and who cannot and there are hundreds of thousands of patients that have been treated in this world class facility.
      Secondly, if you compare his demeanor with any of th other leaders and politicians, he is the most non-dramatic and straight forward. I have never even seen him raise a slogan or shout abuses in any of his speeches or talk down or be disrespectful to anyone in the crowd. What dramatics are you talking about can you elaborate.
      Lastly, you need to stop the mindblock and take off the sunglasses in he night to realize that he never was or is a supporter of the Taliban or any extremist. All he says that we should not be fighting and killing our own people in this so called war on terror but sit down and talk to them as our countrymen who are our brothers and need to be shown the proper way. (Cont…)

      • Bombing them and killing them while taking money from other countries in the biggest ghaddari against your own people. How many extremists and taliban suicide bombings did you see in Pakistan before the US came here and started shooting bombs indiscrimnately killing thousands of women and children and what do you expect a son or a daughter to do when he has seen his own parents or brothers and sisters being blown to pieces by a US drone or shot by a soldier in front of his own eyes indiscriminately….would you expect him to try to get revenge or bring you roses. He always says that we need to isolate the tribal pashtoons and balochis from the real extremists and talk with them and negotiate with them instead of kiling them like sheep. Please understand that 'being an extremist' in Islam should not be a problem as everyones religion is to themselves. (Cont…)

        • The problem is stopping the real murderes and making sure we dont create more and more of them by killing or maiming their family members since this never was or is our war…we are killing our own countrymen. Will you ever see America or even India bomb entire villages within their own country even in Kashmir?? People like you are the ones who have been indoctriend by the antics and dramatics of western leaders and news channels …. understand the reality that all this is just a way to undermine a powerful Islamic state like Pakistan…..divide and rule….and thats exactly what they are succceeding in when you post comments like this… Imran and be proud of your identity and country and love your fellow-countrymen for gods sake.

  3. Imran will only damage Sharifs in Punjab. He will win only few seats in big cities. PPP/PML-Q will be the real beneficiaries.In cricket's terms, Imran will not qualify for final but will make sure Sharifs also not reach in the final. Imran will have same fate like Jammat e Islami had in 1970 elections and that will be the end of his failed politics also. He is not an Agent of Change but just a Show Spoiler who has been given a task to damage Sharifs politics. After 2013, he will either leave politics and settle in UK or will be mere guest at TV Talk Shows.

      • PPP is very happy with Imran attacking PML-N. They are not worried from Imran. And Imran may be popular in big cities of Punjab and Pakhtoonkhwa but that will be few seats to sit on opposition benches. He can't bring the results like Bhutto did in West Pakistan in 1970s. Jammat e Islami also used to do big Jalsas like him but never had more than few seats in Assembly. 2013 is not far. We will see.

    • The thing is that; who is gonna vote for PPP again???? i can bet that they will get washed away in southern punjab as well by PTI… and northern punjab; pml-n will get the same treatment……… DOWN WITH THE STATUS QUO!!!!!!

      • In the end, PTI and PML-N will be the losers and PPP-PML(Q)-MQM will again form the government. PPP-PML(Q) alliance may form government in Punjab also.

        • PPP is just saying this to counter Imran's popularity… Remember, a rival will never show his weakness in open.. PML-N is a duffer party, that they have shown their fear of Imran Khan….. And do not believe in the analysis of these so called intellectuals. They do their analysis on previous records. Those who will vote for PPP again will not be a human, Just like Imran Khan said in one talk show…

          • The hell are you talking about. How can an individual with brain cells support these parties. They have ate away at our country through corruption and are proven to be incompetent beyond measure. I can disagree with Imran khan on a lot of things but I sure as hell believe that he is the only catalyst of Change in Pakistan. The only light in these dark times.

    • Go to streets and ask any one whome they will vote..simple as that..and you will see how many people will say yes to Imran khan..stop this kiddish and non sence logic spread by PML N cowards..there is no future for PPP and PML Q in punjab the only party which can give tufff time to PTI is PML N and that is where IK has played very smartly….now look at this…in the past there was no choice for Anti PML voters to vote any one else other then PPP and same vice verca anti PPP voter did not had any choice except giving vote to PML both have the third choise..wait and see what will happen…Anti PML N and anti PPP both will go to PTI…

  4. Today's massive win of PML-N candidate in bye-election should silence all. PTI should contest one of the next bye-election to test the waters. People have rejected PPP-PML(Q) alliance in Punjab.

  5. we were expecting the result which back by provisional government next election will decide who are winner and loser vote for new people and don't give the chance the corrupted people again

  6. After his mother passed away, he used his fame to get donations to build a hospital for cancer patients. that very hospital is throwing out lymphoma patients over the age of 50 citing their ages at too old to treat. the average age for getting the disease is 60+. Imran khan may have cared about his own mother but not other peoples mothers. this is the same man who condemned Musharraf and then tried to make a secret deal with him in england. He's a Taliban apologist who complains about dirty politics while towing the ISI line and patronizing our extremist thinking religious parties. unfortunately, most of middle class pakistan and youngsters are taken in by his dramatics. the man deserves to be in jail for lying about giving people opportunity to treat cancer when he ejects those who genuinely need help out of his hospital (even when they are willing to pay).

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