Routine movies


Whenever you watch a movie, let it be a Hollywood, Bollywood or Lollywood (that happens once in eternity) movie, at one point or the other you always know what to expect.

You will never get to watch a movie which is based on real life, I mean really real life. You will always come across the almost same fairytale romances and happily-ever-after endings. Let’s say for example; the hero or the heroine having every possible thing on the earth: the filthy-rich lifestyle, mega-sized swimming pool in their colossal backyards, all the best designer dresses, perfect hair and makeup, world’s best friends and everything and anything you can ever dream of.

Then all these movies present to you the “perfect looking” people; sizzling heroines with their so-called perfect curves or zero-figures, their perfectly toned skin, hunky heroes with their perfect proportions and sexiest hair styles. I mean what about those “normal” girls and “normal” guys you get to see every day? Why can’t we put them on TV?

Moreover, protagonist never fails to do what he/she intends to. By the end of the movie protagonist will get to his/her destiny despite all the hardships caused by the antagonist.

The fact that every-story-has-a-love-story is the most annoying part of any movie, other than the movies which are love stories themselves. Let it be a horror, suspense, intrigue, educational or a morality based movie.

Why can’t we change these few things and bring something really different on the screens? For once let the “perfect looking” people get some rest and cast some ordinary looking people, living an ordinary life, facing genuine difficulties and sometimes losing their desired destiny and regretting at the end.

