Indiscriminate action


Against the terrorists

If the APC was aimed at reducing the mounting pressure on Pakistan for action against the militants, the exercise has simply failed to achieve its objective. The so-called blame game on the part of US officials has ended, at least for the time being. Obama has credited Pakistan with ‘outstanding cooperation’ in going after Al-Qaeda and Mullen has said there can be no solution in the region without Pakistan. The issue of the Haqqani network however continues to mar US-Pak relations. What has happened is a shift from pressure to persuasion. Marc Grossman is about to reach Islamabad to hold talks. There is every chance of the bitter row again starting if the issue of terrorist networks operating from Pakistan is not resolved.

Our political and military leadership continues to remind the world of the sacrifices rendered by the people and armed forces of Pakistan in the fight against militancy. It is ironical however that despite the exercise, Pakistan’s image abroad continues to be that of a country harbouring and exporting terrorists. Complaints continue to be made that terrorists are using tribal areas as sanctuaries, training grounds and launching pads. The complainants comprise not only the US, Russia and various European countries but also Pakistan’s neighbours like India, China, Afghanistan and Iran. Last week, the visiting Chinese Vice Premier had to be assured by Rehman Malik that no quarter would be given to the Chinese militants operating from the tribal areas. Karzai has repeatedly asked the US to conduct military action in Wazriristan. He now claims that orders for killing Prof Rabbani had come from Quetta. Tehran has also frequently accused Pakistan of harbouring terrorists who conduct attacks inside Iran. India too makes similar complaints.

There is a need on the part of the political and military leadership to undertake an exercise in introspection. Why is it that instead of patting us on the back for all we have done for them, a large number of countries continue to point an accusing finger at us, some blaming Islamabad for negligence, others for complicity? What Pakistan needs to do is to take action against terrorists of all hues and colours. Nothing should be done that creates the perception that some of the terrorists are being protected.


  1. Image once lost takes 100s of years to retrieve. Pakistan ha to work very honestly to come out of this image crisis. As rightly pointed out by Mr Nawaz Suriff, there can not be smoke without fire.

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