WAPDA to optimally utilise hydropower potential


In view of increasing electricity demand in the country, Pakistan Water & Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has geared up its efforts for optimum utilisation of hydropower potential by initiating number of projects. These projects will not only help bridge the gap between electricity generation and its consumption but also improve the ratio of low-cost electricity in the system to stabilise the tariff.
This was stated by WAPDA chairman Shakil Durrani during his visit to the under construction Golen Gol Hydropower Project. WAPDA secretary, general manager operation and project director accompanied him during the visit.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chairman said that 106-MW Golen Gol Hydropower Project is a part of least-cost energy generation plan being executed by WAPDA. He said that contractors M/s SAMBU, Korean has been mobilised to the site and the project is scheduled to be completed in four years. He hoped that the project will significantly contribute towards socio-economic uplift of the country in general and Chitral in particular. He said that locals will be preferred for lower jobs during implementation of the project. He also directed the project authorities to study possibilities of providing irrigation water to the suburban areas near project site for cultivation.
The Chairman said that hydropower projects of about 1400 MW are under construction. Khan Khwar project of 72-MW has been completed, while three other projects of 350 MW will be completed in 2012, he added. Furthermore, WAPDA has awarded 13 contracts of Diamer Basha Dam Project for construction of offices, colonies and road infrastructure in the dam area. WAPDA general manager Rashid Ali Khan and project manager Dr Herald Samson briefed about the progress of the project.
Earlier, the Chairman inaugurated WAPDA Staff Colony for Golen Gol Hydropower Project in Koghuzi, Chitral. It is pertinent to mention that Golen Gol Hydropower Project is located on the River Golen Gol, a major tributary of the River Mastuj in Chitral district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Saudi Development Fund, Kuwait Development Fund and OPEC Fund are providing US$ 107 million for the project. On its completion, will generate about 436 million units (Gwh) of electricity annually to earn revenue of about Rs1 billion. Being an environment friendly hydropower project, it will help reduce dependence on expensive thermal power, thereby saving foreign exchange amounting to $34 million (equivalent to Rs3 billion) to the country. Accordingly to estimation, Golen Gol Hydropower Project will add about Rs9 billion per annum to the national economy through socio-economic uplift in the country caused by the project.
Later, during his meeting with district administration and local notables, Chairman said that PEPCO and NTDC will be asked for up-gradation of the transmission line across Lowari Tunnel and WAPDA will add another 650 KW to the existing Chitral Hydel Power Station.


  1. Shakeel Durani has ample knowledge of the chitralies problems as he has also worked as DC of the district.We hope he will personally peruse the case and will help in early completion of the project.

  2. I thank Shakeel Durani for his visit to Chitral as during his visit Chitral declared electricity load shedding free area for 4 days. I appeal to the Chairman to visit Chitral regularly at least during his visit we have regular electricity will full voltage.

    Abeer Chitral

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