Shariat Court’s ruling draws anger from women’s rights activists


LAHORE – The civil society has criticised the Federal Shariat Court’s decision to declare sections 11, 28 and 29 of Woman’s Protection Act ‘a violation of the Constitution’.
A statement issued here on Thursday said: “We, the members of civil society, strongly condemn the Federal Shariat Court’s attempt to revert, the Women’s Protection Act’s Clause 11, 25, 28 and 29 back to Hudood Ordinances”. It said that it was after a long struggle that resulted in the repealing of Hudood Ordinances which the court ‘overlooked’ while giving its judgment.
“Plethora of evidence had been gathered through research to show the anti-women nature of Hudood Ordinances and their massive misuse particularly under the Zina Ordinance. Thousands of women languished in jails under Zina Ordinance while the acquittal rate of women charged under this law was more than ninety percent”, the statement read.
“It’s highly condemnable that Federal Shariat Court has made an attempt to reverse the gains made by Women’s Protection Act”, it added. The statement was issued by the members of Insani Haqooq Ittehad, Women Action Forum, Aurat Foundation, Rozan, Pattan, Sangi, PODA, SDPI, and human rights activists.