Fix Taliban or brace for ‘hot pursuit’, Kabul told


Following the deployment of additional troops along the border with Afghanistan at Chitral and Dir to stop the cross-border Taliban assaults from Afghan soil, Pakistan on Sunday warned Kabul that its forces could resort to “hot pursuit” of the terrorists that were frequently attacking border posts in case these attacks continued.
The additional troops’ deployment in Chitral and Upper Dir was precipitated by repeated attacks along the border by Afghanistan-based militants. These militants took refuge across the border in Afghanistan after successful military operations by the Pakistan Army in Swat and Dir. In the last few months, these militants have targeted not only Pakistani border checkposts, but also attacked villages close to the border.
In these terrorists’ assaults, dozens of security personnel and civilians have been killed, prompting strong reaction from Pakistan on more than one occasion. In one such attack that was carried out in Chitral in late August, over 30 security personnel were killed and several posts were destroyed. Pakistan once again raised this contentious issue of Taliban attacks on its soil during the recent visit of Afghan Deputy Foreign Minister Jawed Ludin.
“Ludin and other Afghan officials in Kabul were told through diplomatic channels that such attacks on Pakistani soil breached the country’s sovereignty and were not acceptable,” a Pakistani diplomat said wishing not to be named. He said Pakistani officials had told Afghan authorities and also conveyed it to the US and NATO that it would take every possible step to stop the militants’ cross-border attacks.
“For that, Pakistan has tried to seal the country’s border with Afghanistan at Chitral and Dir by deploying more troops and it has been conveyed to Kabul that in case of dire need, there could be a ‘hot pursuit’ of these militants, as Pakistan would protect its sovereignty at all costs,” he said. The diplomat said Pakistan respected the sovereignty of every other state and expected the same from other nations.
Another Pakistani official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said Kabul and NATO had extended assurance that they would do everything possible to stop the cross border terrorists’ attacks in Pakistan. “We hope they will do that as these terrorists are the common enemy and shall be treated as same,” he said.


  1. and why that should not be applied to Pakistan ? Pakistan itself has been liberally using terrorists to trouble other countries so why complain now ?

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