Salmaan Taseer’s killer pleads guilty


The assassin of former Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer, Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri, on Saturday pleaded guilty to an Anti Terrorism Court (ATC), saying that he had killed Taseer for blaspheming, while following edicts from Quran and Sunnah.
During the hearing of the case, held at Adiyala Jail, Qadri recorded his written statement before with the ATC judge, Syed Pervez Ali Shah, and admitted to having killed Taseer, and stated the reasons behind the atrocious act. Raja Shuja, the counsel for Mumtaz Qadri, told reporters that his client had submitted the written statement under Section 265-F (5) of the CRPC in which, the killer referred to 11 Quranic verses, 28 quotes from Sunnah, four decisions of the Caliphs, and the views of Hanafi, Shafai, Maliki, Hanbali, Jafri and several other eminent Muslims jurists with a reference to Islamic jurisprudence.
He claimed that under these references, Salmaan Taseer had committed blasphemy, adding that every person was liable to death, who committed blasphemy or supported a blasphemer or doubted that the punishment of blasphemer was unjustified or practically tried to abolish sentence for commission of blasphemy. Furthermore, Taseer was a murtad (apostate) for marrying a Sikh woman, Qadri claimed in his statement.
He said no objection was raised from the prosecution on the statement, and therefore, the court validly admitted it and made it a part of record. Answering a query, Shuja said the personal conduct of a national leader, desiring to lead the people, was a public property and every citizen of Pakistan had a right to question his demeanour. “In this trial, the right has been exercised by Qadri,” he added.
The court adjourned the hearing till September 24.


  1. he did what needed to be done and though yes taking law into your own hands is not permitted, but then again there are some limits u dont cross and if you do you will get to pay the price

  2. One question. Would someone point out where Salman Taseer committed blasphemy. he was defended a person accused of blasphemy. There is no statement pointing out that Taseer committed blasphemy. (for the record I am a Muslim, try to follow all the tenents of Islam and never really like Salman Taseer, i thought he looked and acted like a circus sideshow freak at the best of times.) Qadri had a job to do, he violated his oath. another charge of treasion should be added to his chargesheet

  3. So now the courts and those who will give final judgement including who so ever will challenge or speak against the verdict are threatened openly. This means that Qadari has done something holy for which he must be garlanded as was done during his appearance in the court by PML-N lawyers. This is loud and clear message to our nation and the whole world.

  4. I always welcome any knowledge relating to Islam. Hence I wanna ask you Itna: Do you have a Quranic or an authentic Hadith reference to prove namoos-e-risalat rule that’s a part of our constitution today?

  5. what is qadri. but a reflection of the society he lives in. albeit the baser level, uneducated unthinking, ignorant level, who justifies his actions on his religion, which fundamentally forbids the taking of anothers life..

    but who am i judge him..

  6. Salman Taseer was the Governor of Punjab. He was at leading position and at this position u must be careful about ur language, speeches, practices, discipline and law. And dont use harsh words to anybody because everybody has their own mental level to understand any thing and at this condition unfortunately he did not do well.

  7. I like to say that please protest against Mumtaz and force Mumtaz to submit the example of such incident from Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH)

  8. One word is missing from above. The complete message is
    I like to say that please protest against Mumtaz and force Mumtaz to submit the example of such incident from Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) life

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