People demand overhead bridge at Faizabad


The commuters and residents of Faizabad and adjoining areas have demanded the authorities concerned to immediately construct an overhead bridge for pedestrians on the IJ Principal Road near the Faizabad bus terminal to ensure safety and smooth traffic flow.
They said pedestrians, especially women and elderly people, were facing immense problems while crossing the busy road.
They feared that the absence of the bridge could result in a fatal incident. Talking to the Pakistan Today, citizens said as the pedestrians always kept crossing the road, traffic jams and congestion had become a routine because as the bus stands at the terminal were situated on the both sides of the road. A local Akbar Khan told Pakistan Today that as the IJ Principal Road separated the twin cities; therefore, it was frequented by heavy vehicles like tankers, trucks, buses and wagons adding to the traffic mess.
He said no traffic signal had been installed at the site, adding that the traffic constables were also unable to control the vehicular movement and reduce the problems of faced by the people. “Many accidents have been reported on the road and that is why people are demanding a flyover bridge,” he added. Jahangir, a driver, said the road was one of the busiest in the twin cities, adding that he often hesitated to drive on the IJP Road near Faizabad because of the pedestrians that could cause incidents.
A shopkeeper Hassan asked the authorities to construct a bridge before it is too late. Munawar a pedestrian said, “I had to cross the road daily with a lot of problems while going to my workplace because of the huge traffic on the road.” The locals and the commuters have asked the concerned authorities to devise a strategy for construction of flyovers/pedestrian bridges over the IJP Principal Road immediately to facilitate the residents the twin cities so that they could cross this busy road safely.