Pak-india quest for Asian supremacy


Comparing India and Pakistan is a clichéd topic given the fact that both countries started their journey as independent nations, some six decades ago. However today, the economies of the two countries stand at completely different levels. At the time of partition India gained almost 90 per cent of the total industry of the sub continent with a large taxable income base. India also benefited from the large metropolitan cities including Calcutta, Delhi and Mumbai. Pakistan on the contrary gained only 17.5 per cent of the combined assets. Once the army had been paid for, little was left for the purposes of economic development. Pakistan’s economy was primarily based on agriculture while India possessed more diversity. Therefore, Pakistan’s was a few steps behind, right from the beginning.
India, today is expected to become the third largest economy in the world right after China and America. Pakistan on the other hand is struggling to keep pace with even the small economies of South Asia. The statistics augment this argument in its entirety.
Economic Indicators:
India’s GDP growth rate in 2011 was 8.6 per cent while Pakistan’s GDP growth rate in 2011 stood at 2.4 per cent and real GDP growth rate of Pakistan was negligible at 0.6 per cent. India’s currency which was once weaker than Pakistan has gained strength and the Indian Rupee is now almost doubled against the Pakistani Rupee. India received 23.7 billion dollars as foreign direct investment last year while Pakistan managed to get a meager amount of only 1.232 billion dollars. India’s annual inflation was around 8.43 per cent last fiscal, almost half of Pakistan’s inflation rate of 15.46 per cent. India and Pakistan however match up on their nominal per capita income at just over 1200$ a year however given the fact that India is home to more than 1.2 billion people, Pakistan lags behind greatly in this regard as well. The foreign exchange reserve of India are twice the size of Pakistan’s GDP.
Therefore without mincing words it would be prudent to state that Pakistan has struggled over the years to bring about sustained economic growth. The reasons behind the dismal state of affairs are not very hard to comprehend. India spends where it is required. The difference in the motorcades of Indian and Pakistani Prime Minister’s paint the complete story. Although un-educated, Lalu Parshad Yadev has managed to transform Indian Railways (which was at the brink of collapse) into one of the most highly earning departments in India, while Pakistan Railways is still struggling to cope with the gargantuan amount of taxes. A major reason for this discrepancy is that the parliamentary process over the years has worked to crease out deficiencies in their system as a result the Parliamentarians in India are aware of the fact that they cannot be absolved of their failure to deliver when the time comes. Lack of accountability across the board in Pakistan has ensured that the leaders continue to repeat the fallacies of the past. It is these deficiencies in our democracy that leads people to prefer dictatorship when the time comes.
Development of the education and tourism sectors:
India has right from the beginning paid immense attention to the development of education in their country. As a result of their continued efforts, today 36 per cent of NASA employees are Indians 34 per cent of Microsoft employees are Indians 28 per cent of IBM employees are Indians 17 per cent of Intel employees are Indians 13 per cent of Xerox employees are Indians. Instead of solely depending on foreign aid India has over the years developed their human resource to the extent that they are now indispensable for the world. India is now competing with global economies on the technological and scientific level. This has only been possible because of the immense importance that they have given to education. Pakistan has continued to neglect the education sector with a paltry amount of GDP allocated to the education sector. As a result India has developed its manufacturing capacity to the extent that they have started to export technology while Pakistan continues to rely on imports.
Not only has India been successful in working towards sustained economic development, they have worked hard to project themselves across the worlds through media. “Incredible India” as is one such tagline they have used with great affect throughout the world. Using their rich culture as a tool for marketing they have been able to attract enormous amounts of foreign exchange as a result. Coupled with the fact that it is relatively cheaper than other tourist destinations they have made it into a profitable industry. This has resulted in the services sector of Indian growing exponentially. Moreover, their film industry Bollywood has also played a major role in projecting India as a peaceful, progressive state which has made India a land of opportunities for foreign investors. In contrast, Pakistan with its image as a terrorist country has been labeled the most dangerous country in the world. Thus the difference in the economies is all but evident.
In conclusion it can be said that while both the countries continue to face similar problems India has collectively turned their weaknesses into their strengths. Instead of relying on foreign aid they have worked towards expanding the capacity of their own industry. Instead of choking the business community, they have provided them with opportunities to grow globally. Instead of bickering on issues of little importance, the policy makers in Pakistan need to take a leaf out of India’s book and to develop policies that aid in economic growth, equitable allocation of funds along with a will to bring about a change in the state of affairs of the country.


  1. very nice! it would be greate if you can put together other comparisons such as pakistan vs bangladesh or pakistan vs afghanistan

  2. in india and pakistan , politicians are corrupt and we inherited the same administration of britshers and never try to revamp it, if india has made little progress, it is because of its people who always try to learn and study english for job, and work hard, indian govt is a obstacle for progress, same is case with pak. we people ie india and pakistan are very intelligent people on earth but donot have strong and visionary leadres who have pain for their country,

  3. Interesting comparision. I think higher educational attainment through succesive generations is the key. But similar kind of challenges face India and Pakistan but it is unfair to compare the both

  4. I am an Indian. Stop comparing Pakistan to India. Compare it to Germany or Japan where industry thrives and living conditions are top notch. India should do the same. Comparing ourselves with someone who still hasn't gotten all his cards sorted (other developing nations) will only set the bar lower.

  5. the article is incorrect in some facts and figures especially the one where it says the only place where both India and Pakistan are equal and both have same nominal per capita GDP of $1200….which is incorrect..

    2010 figures from the world bank says India's nominal gdp per capita is $1400 while pakistan is $1008… sorry guys, even in this case, it doesn't compare anymore..

  6. A well written article. It shows that despite having a political system that is riddled with corruption, much like Pakistan, India has still managed to strengthen key sectors of their infrastructure, allowing the latter to become a strong contender in the global economy.

  7. Here is another similarity and divergence between India and Pakistan. Both these countries have developed their " IT " industries. India and Pakistan have fine institutes to offer world class training in IT industries and people who wish to study in IT come and visit these countries and find best Professors and Training Labs. So far so good. But here is where whole finds difference in India's and Pakistan "IT" industries. In India, IT means INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY and in Pakistan IT means INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM. This is how world sees it. Period

  8. Yes Mr Narendra.
    Lalu is a lawyer by education. He holds Bachelor's degree in Law (LLB) and a Masters in Political Science from B. N. College, Patna, Patna University.(from wiki.)

  9. If you dont know about Lalu Prasad yadav then please do not comment "UNEDUCATED". He is much educated than your PM and President. He is Post Graduate in Political Science. And yours PM and others have fake degree, shame on you. This shows why Pakistan is like this. Nation build on its inhabitate and their knowledge. See the level of your knowlege. In pakistan press people comment without any knowledge they report what thy thinjk is correct. Never go to the facts. india is stealing water, india is sending terrorist, India is backword in techonology bla bla bla………..

  10. I request for please stop comparing India with Pakistan. I as an Indian love to read India Vs USA, India Vs China, India VS UK etc. I want to know where we lag and what to do to catch them.

    • Agree with you. Pakistan has been led by its fraudulent, corrupt rulers into a ditch, and they keep pushing it deeper. Pakistan with 45% of its population below 17 years of age is faced with a disastrous future. Its manpower quality has been reduced through little or no investment in education or manpower development to be to marginally above sub-human intelligence kevel, much like the intelligence level of its leaders and parliamentarians, a majority of whom have fake 'degrees' and can barely read or write, including its pidgin English speaking President and Prime Minister. The Univ the president claims to have attended in UK is untraceable by UK authorties, as is the 'Univ' where the president's former law minister and present biggest, and official defender and spokesman – a gent called 'Dr' Babar Awan! claims to have obtained his 'Doctorate'.

  11. Lalu Prasad Yadev? I hope we in Pakistan had even one like him. He turned the Indain railways around from a position which was like the present pathetic position of Pakistan Railways, to where Indian railways today is counted amongst the better run railways in world. Some of best Business schools in world study good Lalu's handling and turning Indian railways from a disaster to a huge success, as case study of successful managemnet.

  12. "un-educated, Lalu Parshad Yadev has managed to transform Indian Railways" wrong lalu prasad yadav is not un educated he is lawyer

  13. Pakistan nd India s not a wise comparison..sorry pak brothers..India has grown manifold over da years nd has a giant economy..last day i checked forbes 2000(2000 biggest companies n da world) nd dere were 57 Indian ones bt only just 1 pak n india we hardly tink o pak wen it comez to economy..pak s all about cricket terrorism nd internal conflicts..nd to da rest o da world u provide an even worser pic..nw dont feel bad utilise ur potentials nd discard ur religion nd rise up..gud luck!!!

  14. I am an Indian.. loves people without considering whether they are from India or Pakistan..

    I have to tell you my brothers and sisters in Pakistan.. Please do concentrate on below things"
    Love, Study, Work
    you will surely become top nation in the world.
    Please dont make breaks in peace.
    you know one thing we most of the people from India loves your country and people.
    I would like to say one example : If " Pakistan plays Cricket world Final with Australia or someone from other continent – we supports Pakistan.. That is most Indians doing/.
    But desparately you doing just reverse… Why?
    we are brothers of same mother,,,,,
    Please join hands with India,,, You can also become Super Power as India in the world.

    Your bro – See more at:

  15. people of both the countries face enormous challanges and none of the countries are proud of their ruling elite. it is after so many years that now indian politicians are feeling the need to perform due to voter demands ( it is still very far off from desired level but change has started)
    Pakistanis and indians indidually are not diffirent and more or less have progressed equally. india was fortunate to have some institurions which are still functioning. otherwise, corruptions , nepotism etc are more or less same on both sides of border.
    pakistan was doing better than india till 1990's till the islamisatin of educatiion. the major diff at present is that indians see future to be good whereas in pakistan, the outlook does not appear to be good. this howver calls for people of pakistan to rise upto challanges and come out of the gloomy atmosphre.

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