CCPO orders tight security for Friday


Lahore Capital City Police Officer Ahmed Raza Tahir said on Thursday that special security measures are to be taken for the effective checking of heavy transport entering the city on Friday. The CCPO said that heavy transport entering the city from 3am to 6am would be thoroughly checked as it was easier for subversive elements to move around at that time of the day because of an absence of police officers.
Tahir also said that all provocative speeches in the Friday sermons at mosques should be banned. The CCPO told the police personnel deployed at shrines and ‘imambargahs’ to implement the usage of walk-through gates and metal detectors for the maintenance of peace at mosques. He said that vehicles should be parked away from important buildings, mosques and ‘imambargahs’. Citizens should keep a watchful eye on their surroundings and report any suspicious activity to Emergency 15, he added.