Wateen Telecom awards Greenpacket two-year contract


Wateen Telecom, Pakistan’s leading WiMAX operator and telecommunications company, has awarded Greenpacket, a leading developer of next generation mobile broadband and networking solutions, a two-year contract for the supply of Greenpacket’s high-gain modem, the UH350. Pakistan’s broadband market is expected to reach 4.3 million by the end of 2013, with the mobile broadband segment accounting for almost 50 per cent of the total market; Wateen Telecom currently serves 22 per cent of the wireless broadband market in Pakistan. With 60 per cent of the country’s population below the age of 30, the highest proportion of online users hail from the country’s youth. Wateen plans to enable this explosive growth by providing users low-cost and reliable personal broadband service, catering to their infotainment needs. Greenpacket is the world’s third largest supplier of WiMAX CPEs.