Rs 1.5m embezzled for employees’ welfare?


The Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) administration, taking notice of hurdles being created in conducting an internal audit of the AIOU’s Employers Welfare Association (EWA), after Rs 1.5 million embezzlement was discovered, warned EWA members to recover the amount failing which they would have to face court action. AIOU sources reveal that there has been no internal EWA audit for six years and that EWA members had been freely minting money until the AIOU administration caught them on the embezzlement of Rs 1.5 million.
“EWA corruption coupled by the refusal to conduct an internal audit of the EWA created a chasm between EWA and AIOU administration. Subsequently, the AIOU gave EWA members an opportunity to settle things down during recent negotiations but the situation took an ugly turn when EWA members refused to an internal audit and declined to deposit the missing Rs 1.5 million in AIOU exchequer,” the official said, adding that if EWA fails to deposit the money Rs 45,000 will be deducted from EWA president, general secretary, and finance secretary (exchequer). AIOU official maintained that this crooked attitude of EWA members forced AIOU administration to decide filing a case against them. “The AIOU administration has allowed them 15 days time to get the matter settled but they seem least interested,” he said.
According to AIOU sources, three associations work inside the AIOU with the aim of safeguarding employee rights. These include the Officers Welfare Association (OWA), Academic Welfare Association (AWA) and Employee Welfare Association (EWA), however, neither provides employees’ financial help, rather gulp money in the name of lower grade officials.
“Amongst the three existing associations, EWA has not been audited for six years and been found involved in the embezzlement of Rs. 1.5 million. The noose around EWA members’ is being tightened,” he said.
EWA President Malik Saeed, General Secretary Sher Asif Satti and Exchequer Faqir Hussain have been allegedly to have been involved in corruption. “The AIOU VC set up an inquiry committee two weeks to probe the incident in which all three were found guilty. They have been advised to deposit the money within 15 days, or face the courts,” the official said.
The EWA President Malik Saeed is known to have close links with PML-N MNA Ajum Aqeel Khan, also, subject to a number of fraud cases. Sources disclosed that Saeed not only took part in PML-N protests and processions, but address its’ political gatherings. The sources said strong political support meant Malik was able to pressurize subordinates in the association to remain silent against the misuse of welfare fund.
A total 700 AIOU employees of grade 1-16 were the members of AIOU EWA and every month a stipulated amount is elicited in the name of fund whereas the collected amount is not disbursed amongst staff. AIOU is the country’s largest distance learning institute, where the employees are not accorded due rights. Ironically, though, an association formed to protect the rights of employees is itself involved in corruption.
Sources also disclosed that the associations have also been involved in recruiting AIOU employees on personal liking. When this was brought to notice of the AIOU VC action was taken against the association. But the EWA president opposed the allegations by the AIOU administration.
The probe committee that comprising AIOU registrar and audit officer had earlier advised VC Professor Dr Nazir Ahmed Sangi to either recover Rs 1.5 million or deduct amounts from their salaries. “The decision to deduct Rs 45,000 from all three members of EWA was made after the inquiry committee found them guilty. While updating the account of EWA, they illegally withdrew Rs 45,000. During interrogations, they failed to give satisfactory answers to probe committee. They were intimated four times through letters to bring in receipts of where the amount was spent but they did not produce them,” he said.
AIOU administration, ultimately decided to get Rs 10,000 each from all three members respectively, while the remaining amount of Rs 15,000 will be deducted later. EWA President Malik Saeed refused to talk to Pakistan Today on the subject.
AIOU spokesman Qasim Haidar confirmed that AIOU administration has taken action against the three EWA employees accused of corruption. “We have given them 15 days time to deposit all the missing money in university’s exchequer otherwise legal notices would be served to them,” said Haider. Meanwhile, non-teaching staff and members of other associations lauded the AIOU administration decision as the first time in the history of AIOU that the AIOU administration had taken stern action against crooks. “All employees stand behind the AIOU administration. Credit is to the VC,” they said.