Faithful across city worship during ‘the night of power’


Muslims in the city observed the night of 27th of Ramadan (Laila tul Qadr) with religious zeal and fervour.
Special congregations were held in the mosques across the city where Muslims sought forgiveness from the Almighty Allah.
Scholars highlighted the importance of the Laila tul Qadr (the night of power) and said that the worship done during that night was better than the worship done in thousands of months.
Various Islamic scholars said the night was especially important for Pakistani Muslims since it was same night 64 years ago when the country came into being.
Tanzeem-e-Islami, a religious organisation, even observed the 27th of Ramadan as the Independence Day. Tanzeem held special sermons about the link between Islam and Pakistani Muslims. They called Pakistan “a special gift from Allah”. Special sermons and prayers were also held in the various mosques of the city so that the faithful could make most out of the night. Soul-Elevating gatherings were held in
Badshahi Mosque, Jamia Qadsia, Jamia Ashrafia, Quran Academy in Model Town and hundreds of other mosques in the city. The faithful had decorated the mosques across the city.
The people who observing Aitekaf also passed the night worshipping and seeking forgiveness from Almighty Allah and reciting Holy Quran.
Muslims believe Lailatul Qadr was the night when the Holy Quran was revealed and it is their religious obligation to hold special worships during the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan. Majority of Muslim scholars believe Lailatul Qadr is the 27th night of Ramadan.
There is even a special surah dedicated to Lailatul Qadr, which says: “We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power: And what will explain to thee what the night of power is? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah’s permission, on every errand: Peace!..This until the rise of dawn!”
According to an Islamic scholar, Dr Muhammad Amin, the coming down of angels from skies is a special gift from Allah and it is a sign of spirituality and honour for Muslims. He said most of the Islamic scholars say that Lailatul Qadr is on night 27th Ramazan but this is not final.
Various television channels also broadcast special transmission to highlight the significance of Laila tul Qadr.
Women also observed the night with special arrangements in mosques and at homes. They offered prayers and recited the Holy Quran. Muslims observe the night as a way to plead for mercy and terming Laila tul Qadr as the best chance to find Allah’s forgiveness.