Youth lured by inexpensive SMS packages


The trend of Short Messaging Services (SMS) has increased manifold as all the telecom operators are offering attractive packages to its users. According to a survey, SMS is a vital source of revenue for cellular companies and all cellular companies generate billion of rupees revenue as a result of it. Daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly and even unlimited packages are being offered at very low rates by cellular companies.
More or less some segments of the society look worried over these packages as youth is increasingly seen caught in amorous advances, thanks mainly to cheap night packages offered by various telecom operators in a bid to expand customer network. Though there is a widely held consensus which cuts across all sections of society that communication itself is not a bad thing since it helps people grow confidently and resolves issue besides providing opportunity to be in contact with loved ones, however its extensive use among youth is a cause of concern for elders.
“The issue is not about call charges; it is the negative use of the facility which bothers parents,” said a grumpy parent. If mobile packages are free, the youth especially the students can use it for their study purpose, another opined. People say that by talking free the whole night they can make each other understand the difficult sums of science or physics or formula which they were not able to understand while sitting in the class. Contrary to this, the social circles showed their concern over the increased immoral activities and held internet, facebook, cable and cheap communication facilities mainly responsible.
Aneela, a mother of three kids, a housewife, looked worried over the night packages offered by the mobile companies. She said these offers of mobile companies like talk free from 12am to 5am were beyond understanding. “It looks these are the free offers for the youth to communicate anything with their loved ones. It not only will keep them away from the teachings of Islam but also from their studies,” she argued.