India fifth-most dangerous country in the world for foreigners: report


India is the fifth-most dangerous country in the world for foreigners, according to a new report released by Inter Nations, a leading network for guidance to expats around the world.

In the Expat Insider Survey 2019, India is ranked fifth from bottom in terms of safety and security among 64 countries across the world.

The survey revealed that every four in ten people said that India lacks a general sense of peace and security and 27% were displeased with their personal safety in the Hindu-majority country — three times the global average of 9%.

“A US American expat, for example, does not like “always having to keep my guard up — as a female, I don’t feel safe. As a resident, I often feel taken advantage of at work and outside work,” the survey said.

In the past many years, several score reports have emerged in different states of India in which locals raped tourists and in some cases even killed them afterward.

The surveyed respondents have also expressed their concern about the political stability in India, where a Hindu nationalist government has caused polarization with divisive policies like denying citizenship to millions of Bengali Muslim immigrants in the state of Assam.

“Almost double the global average (32% vs 17% worldwide) rate the political stability of India negatively. An Australian expat shares that ‘politics has become hardline, and there are social tensions’,” the survey found.

Health and cleanliness concerns, provision to toilets remain a concern at large for many Indians, as well as leisure options,  are some of the areas where India needs to improve drastically. India has been placed at 63 out of 64 for leisure options and 60 out of 64 for health and well-being.

Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria, and Argentina are other countries that are ranked very unsafe for expats. The survey has covered and interviewed people who live and work abroad to research the topic.