Forensic audit of housing societies in ICT to be completed by 2019


ISLAMABAD: The forensic audit of housing societies situated in Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) has been pending for the last two years and it is likely to be completed by the end of 2019.

According to the official source within Ministry of Interior, forensic audit of 41 Cooperative Housing Societies registered with Cooperative Societies Department, ICT Islamabad is underway which deals with them under Section 10 of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1925.

He said that most operators have not developed their societies according to their commitments with people who have bought land from them. Many operators have taken over amenities plots that were originally reserved for mosques, schools and parks.

According to a source, forensic audits of all Cooperative Housing Societies in Islamabad have been ordered in the light of directions of the Supreme Court of Pakistan in 2017. Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) is conducting forensic audits of Islamabad’s housing societies under orders from the Supreme Court, he maintained.

The Forensic Audit is being conducted as per TOR’s prepared by FIA Islamabad. The forensic audit of six societies has been completed out of 41 societies while remaining audits are in progress and many of them are near completion.

He said that the Ministry of Interior has directed for early completion of all forensic audits. He said that FIA will examine the forensic audit reports in light of the orders of the Supreme Court of Pakistan dated May 8, 2017 passed in CPL No. 1331 of 2017 and will take the necessary action as per said orders of the court.

The complete report shall be submitted after completion of the forensic audit of all cooperative societies and the Registrar Cooperative Societies will take legal action under Section 43 of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1925 where applicable.