Murdoch’s paper hacked Zardari’s private data too!


President Asif Zardari was among individuals whose personal data was clandestinely obtained by private investigators at the behest of a newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch. Nick Davies, a journalist writing for The Guardian who has doggedly exposed the dubious news-gathering practices in the British press, states that Zardari’s credit card statement was obtained by a private investigator for The Sunday Times.
Davies details several instances of unethical and illegal practices on Fleet Street in his book, “Flat Earth News”. In a revealing chapter titled “The Dark Arts”, Davies writes: “One investigator described being hired by The Sunday Times to target Asif Zardari whose credit-card statement he supplied so that Sunday Times reporters could find out where he had been staying and what he had been spending his money on.”Davies does not mention the year when Zardari was targeted, but Zardari is known to visit Britain often.