Washington to host ‘Global Coalition conference to defeat Daesh


WASHINGTON: Washington will host on February 6 a meeting of the foreign ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat the Daesh terror group (ISIS), the U.S Department of State website said.

The full 79-member Coalition will meet for in-depth discussions on the impending territorial defeat of the terror gang in Iraq and Syria, which is the result of four years of coalition and our partners’ efforts, and a significant milestone towards delivering Daesh an enduring defeat, it said.

Ministers will discuss the next phase of the campaign in Iraq and Syria, which will focus on protecting against a resurgence of Daesh through stabilization and security assistance. They will also discuss important next steps in degrading ISIS’s global networks and affiliates outside Iraq and Syria.

The United States is determined to prevent a resurgence of the terror group in Syria and Iraq after the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria takes place, and remains committed to working with the “Global Coalition” to continue to destroy ISIS remnants and thwart its global ambitions, a State Department statement said.

As Daesh is defeated on the battlefield, the coalition will continue its stabilization efforts to facilitate the safe and voluntary return home of those who have been displaced by the violence, it added.

The Global Coalition regularly meets to coordinate and enhance combined efforts to counter the terror group of Daesh. The last Ministerial took place in Brussels on July 12, 2018, with select members of the Coalition. The last meeting at the Political Director level took place in Rabat, Morocco, on June 26, 2018.