Pakistan will never leave Kashmiris alone: Firdous


ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan on Sunday said Pakistan and its people will never leave Kashmiris alone in their just and legitimate struggle for the right of self-determination as enunciated in the United Nations resolutions.

In a message on the occasion of Kashmir Black Day to be observed on October 27, she said the people of Kashmir and the Kashmiri diaspora all over the world would observe black day in connection with landing of Indian troops on the Kashmiri soil in brazen and blatant violation of the Independence Act, the partition plan and international law.

“On this day, the Pakistani nation expresses its unflinching support and solidarity with the cause of Kashmiris and reiterates its firm resolve to stand by them under all circumstances.”

She said Kashmir was a story of ultimate barbarity. “Regrettably India not only reneged on its commitments but also let loose a reign of terror in the valley. Since the people of Kashmir started their freedom movement in 1989, more than one hundred thousand Kashmiris have been martyred besides the rape of thousands of women.”

While the successive Indian governments had been trying to subdue the freedom movement through the barrel of the gun, the Modi government had gone a step further by revoking article 370 and 35 A of the Indian constitution which accorded special status to the state, she added.

The special assistant said this action, in fact, constituted a unilateral repudiation of the UN resolutions and all the bilateral agreements between the two countries to resolve the Kashmir dispute, which was an affront to the conscience of the international community.

Pakistan was deeply concerned over the alarming situation prevalent in IOK since 5th of August and the unfolding humanitarian crisis, she noted.

“Eighty million people of Kashmir are virtually under siege. In spite of complete communication blockade harrowing stories of atrocities against the people of the valley are being reported by the international media. There is acute shortage of food, items of daily use and even milk for the babies. But the Indian leadership inebriated by the fascist ideology of RSS seems unmoved by the sufferings of the people of Kashmir”.

She said Pakistan for whom Kashmir was an unfinished agenda of the partition, will continue to extend moral, diplomatic and political support to the people of Kashmir at all the international forums till the time they win the freedom to exercise their right of self-determination.