The UN must act, or forever hold its silence in shame

  • Pakistan has done its diplomatic best, it is now for the world to act



By Salman Ahmed Khan


The revoking of Article 370 of the Indian constitution regarding the special status granted to Jammu and Kashmir once again moved the entire region hurtling towards instability. A military enforced curfew, cutting out communication and internet has silenced the people of Kashmir in the international community.

Kashmiri children are unable to go to school due to the lockdown by the Modi regime, there are reports of women being raped by in the mayhem, and people being killed. Yet we can still not be sure about the extent of the damage due to the lockdown on the valley.

This brutality is nothing new. India has been such means to suppress innocent Kashmiris for the past 70 years. Countless Kashmiris have lost their live in this freedom struggle. But matters have never quite been as bad as they are now, with the PM Modi and his RSS persuasions taking the suppression and genocide into the next gear.

Pakistan, on other hand, has always insisted and urged India to resolve this dispute through dialogue, and avoid escalation and tension which increases the risk of creating war hysteria – a terrifying prospect since both neighbours are nuclear armed. Pakistan has been leading the dissent against India’s abrogation of Article 370, since it is a violation of bilateral treaties – the Shimla Agreement. Meanwhile, the UNO has also passed a resolution calling the actions of the Modi regime dangerous, and a threat to regional peace and stability.

Even as the world condemns their aggressions, India has increased its number of military personal in occupied Kashmir – particularly near the line of control.

It seems that the United Nations has been unsuccessful so far in unlocking the military curfew in Kashmir. In turn they have also failed their stated mission of ensuring the restoration of human rights, and protecting the children and women from the brutality of Indian forces

Condemned as they are in their actions, India could do something drastic. Prime Minister Imran Khan has already warned that India will attempt to conduct a false flag operation. This would clearly be a strategic plan on India’s part that they have had up their sleeves for some time. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose by portraying Kashmir as having a terror problem – especially since they are always so ready to blame Pakistan, which for once is being supported by the international community.

But their ambitions could be much higher than even this. India could even plan to invade Azad Kashmir. Not only would this remove a long-term thorn in their side, it would also mean they are able to thwart CPEC, which has vital operations in the Gilgit Baltistan region next to Kashmir.

Unfortunately, the United States has been little help, since they have either been fooled by India or are in cahoots with them and have known India’s plans the entire time. President Donald Trump’s interest in becoming mediator as per the request of the Modi government.

Prime Minister Imran Khan in response called a joint session of parliament to take the house in confidence regarding Pakistan’s actions. He has taken the very boldly step of suspending trade and diplomatic engagement, expelling the Indian High Commissioner from Islamabad.

Pakistan still wants the issue of Kashmir to be resolved in a peaceful manner. Even after Article 370 was revoked, Pakistan is still showing the attitude of a responsible nuclear state. PM Imran and his cabinet have already approached the United Nation to intervene as soon as possible, otherwise the peace of South Asia would be at stake.

China has ensured full support to Pakistan, as they always do in difficult times. China will also be aware of the nefarious designs of India and it’s behind the scenes conspiracy aimed at thwarting CPEC.

From Pakistan’s actions, it is clear that Pakistan does not want escalation with India, despite being fully prepared to respond to any misadventures as they did on 27 February, shooting down two Indian war planes over violating its airspace and capturing an Indian pilot who was later released as gesture of peace.

Thanks to Pakistan’s lobbying, the United Nations finally called an in-camera Security Council meeting after 50 years – a huge success for Pakistan on the diplomatic front. The meeting also put the Kashmir conflict in international headlines once again, despite India’s insistence that it is their national issue.

Only China among the five permanent members openly supported Pakistan in this regard, while the rest remained silent or chose to be neutral, only urging both nuclear countries to adopt the policy of restraint and resolve the issue through bilateral means. Yet even the meeting taking place was a win for Pakistan.

Likewise, the lockdown and atrocities in Kashmir by India were also the point of order in the European parliament which is another big blow for India.

PM Imran Khan has been successful in making the Kashmir issue one that Pakistanis are standing for. He has pulled massive crowds for the support of Indian occupied Kashmir, showing the commitment of Pakistan towards liberating them from the curse of Indian occupation.

The Pakistan Armed forces have been front and centre in this enterprise, showing their full support and commitment and promise to fight till their forces last body and last bullet – describing Kashmir as Pakistan’s jugular vein.

On the other hand, it seems that the United Nations has been unsuccessful so far in unlocking the military curfew in Kashmir. In turn they have also failed their stated mission of ensuring the restoration of human rights, and protecting the children and women from the brutality of Indian forces. It has been reported that more than 4,000 Kashmiri youth are missing or have been killed by the Indian army during this 30-day lockdown.

Quite soon, the United Nations will have to do more than meet and advise caution. As things stand, India cannot be allowed to run rampant. Prime Minister Imran Khan is doing all he can and has done a splendid job and his part well. It is now for the international community, and the United Nations to do what it was created to do, and stop the aggression of India and the violation of the basic freedoms and human rights of the Kashmiri people.