Pakistan Today

Pakistan, 50 countries demand action to end Kashmir humanitarian crisis

GENEVA: Pakistan submitted at the UN Human Rights Council a statement on Wednesday on behalf of 50 countries, expressing concern over the illegal annexation of occupied Kashmir by India.

In the statement, the signatories call for immediate cessation of brutalities against the people of Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) and protection of human rights in the disputed territory.

“The worsening human rights and humanitarian situation in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, especially following decisions taken on August 5, 2019, requires urgent attention by the Human Rights Council and human rights mechanisms,” it says.
The statement asks for immediate lifting of curfew while expressing concern over reports of rape, brutality, and enforced disappearances coming from the region.

It adds that the signatories share the concern expressed by High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet regarding the impact of recent actions on the rights of Kashmiris.

Pakistan asks for immediate halt of force and pellet guns in the region along with access for human rights organisations as well as international media.

Implementation of the recommendations of OHCHR’s Kashmir Reports – including the establishment of a UN Commission of Inquiry to investigate egregious human rights violations – has also been demanded in the joint statement.

It requests for regular reporting by the UN high commissioner on human rights in Occupied Kashmir, while it says that the dispute should be resolved as per UN Security Council resolutions.

Pakistan’s Foreign Office thanked the 50 countries which signed the joint statement in support of the people of IOK.

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