NICVD warns doctor over alleged harassment of lady patient


KARACHI: National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases (NICVD) has issued a warning letter to a doctor over his unethical and unprofessional behavior during a duty.

The doctor was also put on probation period of three months from September to November 2019 during which his performance and behavior will be closely monitored by senior professor at NICVD.

The NICVD management has constituted a Disciplinary Committee comprising Prof Syed Zahid Jamal (Chairman), Prof Tahir Sagheer, Dr Kanwal and Dr Nawal Salahuddin after serious complain has been lodged against  Dr Rawinder Kumar, son of Doulat Ram, FFCPS Adult Cardiologist.

The training of doctor has been kept under suspension over his unethical and unprofessional behavior during the duty. The Disciplinary Committee had recorded statement of nursing staff, in-charge physician, and security staff of West Ward. They reviewed CCTV cameras’ recording and colleagues statement.

The committee concluded that Dr Kumar acted foolishly. However, the committee found no evidence to suggest that he acted maliciously or attempted to sexually harass a lady patient.

The committee recommended following disciplinary actions: Dr Kumar should be placed on 3 months’ probation where his behavior will be closely observed by his supervisor and with mandatory reporting to Prof Syed Zahid Jamal for monthly review.

The doctor will undergo counseling in ethical and professional behavior by Dr Kanwal Fatima (member of Hospital Ethics Committee). The doctor may be allowed to return to work and take his due examination.

A note should be placed in his employees file with reference to this incident. He should be warned that in case of any further incident, he will be terminated immediately without appeal or review.