Pakistan Today

Pakistan gives equal response to India’s undemocratic, unilateral extension

(Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction. Learn to take a joke; you’ll live longer.)

ISLAMABAD – Amidst cries of the anti-nationals, who have been whining about so-called inaction of the country after New Delhi’s annexation of Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan on Monday decided to give a resounding, and equal, reply to India’s undemocratic, unilateral extension into external sphere.

Pakistan’s categorical reply on Monday was slap on the faces of the anti-nationals in Pakistan, the hyper-nationalists in India, and everyone who says anything bad about Pakistan anywhere in the world.

The tit for tat manoeuvre, which has rendered India helpless, and sent shivers down everyone in New Delhi, saw Pakistan put forth its own version of undemocratic, unilateral extension into external sphere – only with more swag and sass.

“We are talking about a domain where Pakistan has had decades of experience compared to the few years that India has got recently. Conquering India is now a mere formality,” said renowned journalist and analyst Arshad Sharif.

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s response to the genocidal, fascist, Nazi-like Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) regime in India has sent ripples across Western Europe as well, with thinkers and leaders in Britain and France wondering if the Allies could’ve defeated Nazi Germany sooner using the same method.

“Blimey, we could have prevented World War II by a simple extension within the UK,” exclaimed noted British historian Andrew Roberts, author of ‘The Storm of War: a New History of the Second World War’.

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