PIC fails to hire required staff for Cardiac MRI project


LAHORE: In yet another example of mismanagement, the Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC) has failed to hire the required staff for its Cardiac MRI project, leading to a chunk of operational problems, Pakistan Today has learnt reliably.

The project titled ‘Provision of Cardiac MRI at PIC, Lahore’ was started in 2017 and completed in August 2018 with the purpose of providing in-depth information about the structural workings and functioning of the human heart without exposing the subject to radiation. Cardiac MRI is capable of performing non-invasive coronary angiography without the use of iodine contrast making it particularly useful in patients with renal impairment of myocardial perfusion, viability and left ventricular function.

Sources informed this scribe that 11 positions, including assistant professor, senior registrar, medical officer, head nurse, staff nurse, computer operator and catheterisation  lab technician, are still vacant and there is a dire need of relevant staff to be acquainted with the new technology.

“The project is effective because a number of patients are being provided the said facility. The new CT angiography machine has not only shared the load of the old machine but has rather increased the number of patients covered per day. The project could have been more effective if the staff had been hired since the limited staff of the radiology department was handling both the machines. In the current scenario when heart diseases are increasing day by day, the project needs to be sustained and operated efficiently. To achieve this, concept of right job for right person should be adopted and training should be given to those who are relevant for smooth operations,” sources added.

On the other hand, an evaluation report on the same project by the Punjab Directorate General Monitoring and Evaluation (DGM&E) states, “The project was fully relevant with the business strategy of the organisation. The execution and implementation of the project were moderately efficient due to its completion on time and within budgeted cost but the hiring of the staff could not completed. The effectiveness of the project is moderately effective, and sustainability of the project could not be estimated because of unavailability of the detailed record of patients.”

Speaking to Pakistan Today, PIC Office Superintendent Afzal Khan said that they are following all the things mentioned in PC-1. “We will advertise the said posts very soon, as PIC is dedicated to playing its role in controlling cardiovascular diseases,” he added.