Nurses call off province-wide strike


KARACHI: Sindh Nurses Alliance (SNA) on Friday called off its 16-day-long protest demonstration and boycott of duties following an assurance by Advisor to CM on Information Murtaza Wahab and Secretary Health Sindh Saeed Awan.

Central Leader of Sindh Nurses Alliance Eijaz Ali Kaleri said the nurses of Sindh had ended boycott of all kinds of emergency duties and protest demonstration after issuance of a notification by the Sindh government. He informed that notification of four-tier formula had been issued in consultation with representatives of nurses.

He said the professional health allowance matter would be resolved soon following approval from the Sindh Cabinet. He said that 1100 new nurses would be hired through the Sindh Public Service Commission to fill vacant posts.  He said DDO powers issue for principals was likely to be resolved within a few weeks.

Earlier, Sindh’s nurses completely boycotted emergency duties throughout the Sindh province, including duties at intensive care unit (ICU), pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), cardiac intensive care unit (CICU), labour rooms, operation theatres and wards, for a week in favour of their demands.