Pakistan urges ‘all sides’ to commit to intra-Afghan talks as next critical step for peace


NEW YORK: Voicing cautious optimism about peace prospects in Afghanistan, Pakistan has underscored the need for taking the next key step: initiating an “intra-Afghan dialogue” aimed at ending the 18-year-old war in the strife-torn country.

“We urge all sides, including the Taliban, to commit to this,” Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi said in a speech to the UN Security Council, while highlighting Pakistan’s efforts to facilitate Afghan government-Taliban peace negotiations.

Speaking in a debate on the situation in Afghanistan, the Pakistani envoy noted there were reasons for cautious optimism about peace prospects after decades of war, pointing to several rounds of direct talks between the United States and the Taliban.

For almost two decades, she said, Pakistan had argued that there was no military solution to the conflict and that the only path to peace is through dialogue.  “We are, therefore, gratified that this is the path that is now being seriously pursued.”

Apart from Afghanistan, Ambassador Lodhi said no country other than Pakistan has suffered more from the four decades of war and foreign intervention in Afghanistan.

She told the 15-member Council that Prime Minister Imran Khan, in his very first address to the nation after his election last year,  reaffirmed Pakistan’s support to peace, stability and prosperity in Afghanistan, and that Islamabad played an “active role” towards that objective.

“My government responded positively to US President Donald Trump’s request to Prime Minister Imran Khan last year for help in the Afghan peace process,” she said.

“We have not only called for a reduction of violence by all sides as well as a ceasefire, but have taken whatever steps we could to contribute to that objective”.

In a significant policy pronouncement, Ambassador Lodhi detailed the steps Pakistan had taken to help overcome the impasse in the commencement of peace talks,

Pakistan released Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, and extended full support to the United States-Taliban talks, she said.

Pakistan, she said, would continue to play whatever role it can to help promote a political settlement that can end the suffering of the Afghan people.

“The path to peace will not be easy. Hurdles remain. Many challenges lie ahead before a comprehensive agreement can be reached and accepted by all the parties,” the Pakistani envoy said.

An intra-Afghan dialogue must be initiated, and she urged all sides to commit to this step, expressing hope that the seventh round of United States-Taliban talks, expected early next month, can kick-start a genuine dialogue.

“This could lead to a potentially decisive phase in the peace effort,” Ambassador Lodhi said.

As cooperation with Afghanistan is vital for peace in the region, she said strengthening bilateral relations is a priority and that Afghan President Ashraf Ghani will visit Islamabad later this month.  Expanded trade, energy cooperation and trans-regional economic projects can also greatly enhance regional prosperity.

“Today we look hopefully to a future where the restoration of peace in our neighboring country will lead to the realization of stability and security that has long eluded our region,” the Pakistani envoy said in conclusion.