No plans to end O-Level, A-Level, says education minister


Federal Minister for Education Shafqat Mahmood said Thursday there were no plans to end the O-Level (Ordinary level) and A-Level (Advanced level) education from the schools nationwide as part of the government’s bid to enforce a uniform curriculum in the system.

“No plan to finish O-Level or A-Level,” the education minister tweeted. “What I said that once we have been able to create a consensus on a single national curriculum, we would be in a position to consider a single national certification. May take a decade.”

Mahmood said his remarks during a briefing to the National Assembly Standing Committee on Education were misreported by a local media report.

The report claimed that the government planned to eliminate O-Level (Ordinary level) and A-Level (Advanced Level) education from the schools countrywide to implement a uniform curriculum in the system.

O-Level and A-Level is a subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education. They were introduced as part of British educational reform in the United Kingdom.