Combined opposition throws down gauntlet 

  • A formidable challenge as PTI fails to deliver 

The PPP and PML-N, who had long been at cross purposes, came together on Tuesday drawing the rest of the parliamentary  opposition also into   a grand alliance. The partners  have decided to work in consonance  both inside and outside Parliament.

Soon after receiving reports from government agencies regarding  a grand  alliance being  in the offing,  Imran Khan  belatedly  directed the  PTI spokesmen to be humble and respectful in their interaction with the media and the opposition. Somehow or other the message  failed to reach  Fawad Chaudhry who continued to rant against the PPP leadership and Sindh CM.   Soon after the announcement of the alliance  a soft spoken Nadeem Afzal Chan was appointed PM’s spokesperson. The PTI hawks  have  meanwhile taken the hype  to a pitch that toning it down  would take time and may not alone  be  sufficient to redress the perceived wrongs done to the alliance partners.

The announcement of the alliance could  act as a catalytic agent for the PTI led coalition,  weakening Imran  Khan’s hold over his partners.  The BNP-M sent two of its leaders as observers to the formation of the alliance while Akhtar Mengal announced that his party would not support any wrong step by the PTI government  and  would stand by  the opposition’s just demands. The PM will have to get BNP-M’s call  regarding missing persons  accepted by the army failing which the loss of four MNAs would weaken the government.  Imran Khan will also  have to accede to the demands of his other coalition partners even  at the expense of good governance further exposing his holier-than-thou stance.

The grand alliance needs to act responsibly as a  wave of  pubic unrest could rise in months to come as a reaction against the PTI’s lack of performance. The opposition would have to respond  in a way that does not weaken the system or provide  undemocratic  forces an opportunity to stage a come back. For this  Imran Khan  too will have to come off his  high horse  by  attending NA sessions regularly. Only a a strengthened Parliament  can  deter  the opposition from  taking to streets, a trend set by Imran Khan himself while in opposition.