Foreign Minister Qureshi is right

  • About India and Kashmir
The Pakistani government cannot, of course, not take any notice of aggressive anti-Pakistan statements coming from the BJP leadership in India. True, PM Modi’s administration in Delhi is hamstrung by a string of bad state results going into the general election, which is just around the corner. And since spewing venom on Pakistan has formed core BJP strategy for quite a while, it is not surprising at all to see the party fall back on the same tactic, with renewed vigour, now that the chips are down at such a crucial time.
But, as the Pakistani government as well as military has recently pointed out, India needs to be reminded that any adventure on the border – whether to whip up election support or pursue some broader agenda – will meet a quick and measured response. Indeed, India’s accusations and threats cannot be allowed to interfere with Pakistan’s own war against terrorism. The country has paid in blood and coin, far more than any other in the region, for the peace it has been able to achieve. Any provocation to score points across the border will, quite simply, not be allowed to interfere with the war effort.
Pakistan is still right to maintain its posture towards negotiations. It is unfortunate that India has chosen not to respond in kind. Perhaps things will improve once the election across the border has passed, and whatever government comes to power can re-evaluate the situation. At a time when the Pakistani civil and military establishments are openly, and repeatedly, calling for a negotiated end to all outstanding problems, India has no excuse to kick the can down the road, so to speak. Pakistan has also, quite rightly, started raising the Kashmir issue, and all the violence perpetrated by Indian security forces there, with friendly countries like Turkey. Islamabad must now allow any propaganda, that places it at the centre of all the region’s security problems, to sell so freely in the international market anymore.