VIDEO: Pakistani man killed over ‘honour’ in China


A shocking video of a Pakistani man, Osama Ahmed Khan, being beaten to death in Beijing, China surfaced on social media on Sunday.

The video which was shared by journalist Ali Arif on his Facebook page, shows Osama being beaten by two men using objects that look like a stone and brick.

According to information shared on social media, Osama was killed by the brother and father of a girl he was dating. The father-son duo strike have Osama face down on a pedestrian crossing as they beat him on a main road in a seemingly well-populated area.

Many cars, motors and pedestrians pass by but do not look twice or stop or even call the police.

The deceased belonged to Bahawalpur and was a Civil Engineering student at Shenyang University in Liaoning, China.


This is the second incident of this sort this year.

Earlier in July, an independent digital media company SupChina had shared a video of a 26-year-old Pakistani student, Moiz-ud-Din, being stabbed to death after a roadside dispute while he was similarly accompanied by his girlfriend.

According to Times of Islamabad, Moiz was enrolled in a Chinese language program at Nanjing Normal University, where he had been studying on a Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship since 2017.