Solution for south Punjab

  • Let administrative, not ethnicity-related, issues drive demand for new provinces

Distribution of power in democracy has always been hotly debated in the contemporary political scenario of Pakistan. The creation of new province in Punjab is no doubt a significant phenomenon to strengthen federalism in Pakistan. Some jurists and political scholars are of the view that the creation of new province in Punjab will add to the more organised administrative setup.

The claim of new province in form of south Punjab is not a topical phenomenon. South Punjab consists of 13 districts including large areas as of Multan, Bahawalpur, Jhang and DG Khan, etc. All these areas are Saraiki culture dominant and their population is mostly Saraiki speaking. The Saraiki movement started in 1970s during the Bhutto era but at that time it did not achieve much with the people of South Punjab. Later in 1975 the writers, scholars and poets of South Punjab vexed to explore this issue by organising the first Siraiki literary conference. In 1997 a peaceful protest in Lahore was structured and a famous slogan of “aasa qaidi takhat Lahore de” which means “we are prisoners of the crown of Lahore” was raised by Barrister Langha.

The demand of Saraiki province got admiration during 2006 to 2013 and gained more popularity when Yousaf Raza Gilani became the prime minister of Pakistan. The resolution to create new province in Punjab based on the areas of Multan, Bahawalpur and DG Khan was passed by National Assembly and Senate but South Punjab could not take the status of province. As a result, cultural relationship between upper Punjab and south Punjab is becoming frail with every passing day. The hopes of the people regarding development in this region become extraordinary whenever some representative from this area comes to hold any key office. Chief Minister Buzdar and Foreign Minister Qureshi are sons of this region and people look forward to them now.

Critically analysing the different problems of this region demanding its autonomy and rights we can conclude different fallouts. One of the major issues of south Punjab is corruption. Corrupt bureaucracy is the main cause of under development in south Punjab. The people are facing many issues due to corrupt bureaucratic administration. Punjab is the largest province by population and it is very difficult for the provincial government to manage the whole bureaucracy so it should be divided into small units to deliver better facilities to the people.

The world became a global village due to technology but our political system still is influenced by ethnicity

Militancy is another crucial issue of these areas militant groups and organisations are becoming strong in south Punjab because government is not giving significance to the region. The main cause of militancy is poverty and illiteracy which indicates the lack of low quality educational facilities in this region. If Prime Minister Khan and federal government want to control these militant groups then some serious steps are necessitous to counter these elements.

The creation of more provinces in Pakistan is necessary for better administration. In the remote areas of Punjab, especially in the south, poverty is increasing day by day. New province in Punjab is basically the game of power between the political parties and both political parties are in favour to take power in South Punjab region. It is a reality that Siraiki is a different ethnic group in Punjab but the basis of that province should be administration in comparison to language or ethnicity. The people of this region have poor health facilities and high rates of infant and maternal mortality. These things create a sense of depravation in the region and its people. Supporting notion of new province PPP wants power in south Punjab but PML-N is not in favour to lessen its power in that region. Now it is high time for newly elected government to cater to such issues.

South Punjab desires a new province on identity base and it would be dangerous because there are so many ethnic groups in Pakistan, if so done, then every ethnic group will demand for a new province. The demand of new province should be on the basis of administration as compared to ethnicity or language. The first step to empowerment of these people is to improve political maturity and establishment of sub secretariats where PMS officers can be posted on newly created posts.

The world became a global village due to technology but our political system still is influenced by ethnicity. Different ethnic groups are too strong in regional politics and the demand of new province in Punjab is also the result of ethnic tensions in the south. The creation of new provinces on the basis of ethnicity is not righteous for Pakistan. The establishment of the new province should not be ethnic but administrative as ethnic politics have polluted real politics. If Punjab would be divided into small units then administration would be good and the development of remote areas can be executed.

The distribution of power and the creation of new province are significant phenomena which are the preamble of the prosperity and shared development in Pakistan. A vast majority of south Punjab considers that they have been denied of their due share in the political and economic decisions of their area but on the other hand opponents of this idea claim that it is inimical to the stability of the country. Hence it is better if administrative reforms at least be inculcated and sub secretariat be established in the area of south Punjab so that proper development on right footings can take place.