Pakistan Today

Khan Ji, be the Nayak we’ve been waiting for

Those of you who watched and could still remember Nayak, a 2001 Bollywood film where an average journalist-turned-accidental politician turns around the fate of his poor people in a matter of days by ridding them of corrupt politicians and inept bureaucracy, can easily draw parallels between Imran Khan’s recent victory, the iconic and sad picture of political leaders after Multi-Party Conference, and the hope that has inundated the lives of millions. Nayak, dear reader, was a work of sheer imagination and fiction. Naya Pakistan of Imran Khan is yet to become a reality. Right now, we are in the twilight zone. And all we are uttering in our heart of hearts is Khan ji, be the Nayak we’ve been waiting for.

The clock is ticking, Khan Ji. The good people of Pakistan see in you a Saviour, they sense in you a Leader, they take you as a sign of good riddance from all that was corrupt to the core and rotten from inside out. In three score and a decade of this country’s life the perch you sit now was occupied by the likes of Jinnah and Bhutto. About time that you prove Khan Ji, that you are the Nayak we’ve been waiting for.

Imran Khan has done what many among us, me included, swore at top of our voices he wouldn’t, couldn’t and never be able to do. Im the Dim of Howzzat, much-ridiculed Tsunami Khan of 2013-14 and Taliban Khan of naysayers has achieved what he strived for; premiership for himself and an opportunity to deliver Naya Pakistan where corruption, poverty and bad governance could be relegated to ash heap of history.

I was a kid in seventh grade when general elections were held in 2002. I was in college when we went to vote in 2008. I was a law student when nation decided its fate in 2013. I am a 27-year old scribe when election 2018 were held last week. And trust me, dear reader, without fear or favor, this time around something was different, something felt different, something smelled different, something was different on the ground and in the air.

The clock is ticking, Khan Ji. The good people of Pakistan see in you a Saviour, they sense in you a Leader, they take you as a sign of good riddance from all that was corrupt to the core

Being a vociferous critic of Imran Khan, I am neither ashamed nor reluctant to admit that the 25th July belonged to IK and his PTI from the start till end. Imran Khan and his party ruled the roost, they fought like tigers, they inundated the width and breadth of Pakistan like a tsunami they claimed to be. Their workers, supporters, and voters gave the campaign all their might, main and mind.

No one gave it to PTI in a plate, dear reader, neither was it a walk in the park or a slice of cheesecake served cold. They strived for it. They mounted an almost unprecedented struggle. They did whatever they could and whatever it took to grab the trophy. Be it bringing in electables to mobilising the inert, indifferent voter, they left no stone unturned, no tactic unused, no place unvisited.

The faithful may call PTI’s win an act of God where He has fulfilled His promise of helping those who help themselves in a just, benevolent manner. The skeptics among us see its victory as behind-the-scenes puppetry of powers-that-be who wanted a new, handsome face to cover all the ugly, brutal, scarred reality that defines Pakistan of today.

Imran Khan, let us never forget and let us also never allow IK to forget, has scaled the zenith of premiership on the high horses of hope and change. He offered this country panacea for all that ails it. From ridding Pakistan of economic dire straits, developing its human capital, providing education to all and sundry, opportunities to earn a decent livelihood to challenges faced by minorities and ethnic groups, Imran Khan portrayed himself as know-all sage who can resolve every issue and iron out all differences if only be given a chance and opportunity. Well, Khan JI you have been given both. Now your voters and adversaries are desperate. Voters are desperate to see their hopes, many of them downright utopian, realised. Adversaries biting their nails to see you crash and burn and disintegrate and forgotten and never be heard of again.

The struggle is over. The strife has just begun. The movement is dead. Long live the party in power. It all happened because People heard the promises, paid heed, believed them, came out in droves and voted PTI in with a margin that was exceptional and even beyond their wildest expectations.

And amidst all this chaotic hope, majority of us desperately want Khan Ji, to be the Nayak we’ve been waiting for past many decades.

Grand luck, Khan Ji as you’ll be needing it a lot more now. The clock stops for no one.


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