Pakistan Today

Syndicate reverts decisions of Arid University’s acting VC

ISLAMABAD: The syndicate of the Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University of Rawalpindi reverted all ‘illegal’ decisions of the university administration taken during the tenure of Dr Rai Niaz Ahmed, a former temporary vice chancellor, during January 2017 to November 2017.

Sources told Pakistan Today that the long-awaited meeting of the Arid University’s syndicate was held on June 30, 2018, under the chairmanship of Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Sarwat Naz Mirza, which was attended by almost all the members including a judge (nominee of the chief justice of the Lahore High Court).

During the meeting, huge agenda items pending since long were discussed at length and numerous decisions made in the recent academic council and finance & planning committee meetings etc of the university were part of the agenda.

They said that lots of controversial, out of merit and nepotism-based decisions taken by Rai Niaz were reverted because his temporary role as VC defined the extent of his limited duties, subsequently, he was not authorised to issue such decisions, notifications and orders.

They said that many decisions which were placed before the syndicate for approval were declared null and vide owing to a detailed judgement given by the chief justice of the Lahore High Court, Lahore, in respect of case WP No 81711/2017 – Muhammad Hussain Cheema versus the Punjab government, etc.

In its decision, the court prayed that the appointment of VC through notification dated 27-1-2017 was illegal and without lawful authority and ultra-vires of the Act 1995 and as a consequence, therefore, the same may very kindly be set aside being nullify in the law and he may kindly be removed from service as being illegally appointee. Any other relief which the court deems fit may also be granted to the petitioner.

Also, the syndicate directed the university administration to de-notify all illegal and unlawful decisions taken by the ex-temporary VC and to re-examine all the cases and take necessary decisions keeping in view merit and seniority of the university faculty, as over age hired consultant’s contracts were also terminated on one-month notice.

They said that the members of the syndicate emphasised the university administration to take decisions and uphold merit keeping in view the overall betterment of the university rather than obliging individuals. “Chief engineer of the university who was removed from his assignment by Dr Niaz Ahmed for no reason and was given the duty of director of the Financial Assistance & University Advancement was allowed to take over the charge of his substantive post,” they added.

The sources said that the syndicate further advised to hold an inquiry under what circumstances the chief engineer was kept away from performing his official duties while granting work projects of billions of rupees without his approval. In addition, another important agenda item regarding revision of the university statutes was also set aside till the appointment of a regular vice chancellor.

Talking to Pakistan Today, Prof Dr Sarwat Naz Mirza said that the syndicate did not revert all the decisions taken during the said nine period but directed the incumbent VC to endorse the decisions so as to give them protection. “It was directed that since some decisions were not come under the authority of the acting VC; hence I should endorse them so as to get them approved from the syndicate in the next meeting,” he added.

A senior official wishing anonymity said that the acting VC made many appointments, did transfers and postings, besides taking a number of financial decisions. He said that the story of the Arid University was quite similar to that of the Abdul Wali Khan University of Mardan where 271 employees were sacked who were appointed illegally.

A high-level inquiry committee has recommended to the administration of the Abdul Wali Khan University to take disciplinary action against the authorities responsible, including former vice-chancellor and other officials, for appointment of 271 employees in violation of rules and in absence of the sanctioned posts.

The official said that the university administration should also take Mardan-like action so as to bring all the responsible to book. However, he expressed his disappointment as how a Pro-VC who was registrar under Riaz Niaz could take action against him since the registrar had great role in all important decisions.

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