Pakistan Today

Disable persons given hand-controlled rickshaws

KARACHI: Network of Organisations Wor­king for People with Disabilities, Pakistan (NOWPDP) launched its Rickshaw Project pertaining to the organisation’s economic empowerment project.

Under the project, the organisation gave hand-controlled rickshaws to people with disabilities.

Mohammad Wasim said, “I learnt fancy embroidery work after studying till class seven but I have been finding it very hard to find work for a while now.”

Syed Rehman said, “Now, I will have the rickshaw which has been specially designed for my needs.”

NOWPDP External Engagement Manager Amin Amir Andani said, “We have a lease model for the rickshaws and initially, they have to pay us Rs200 a day but after a time we will make them the owners of these rickshaws.”

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