Pakistan Day

  • To maintain unity the ideals must not be compromised  

The Lahore Resolution of 1940 envisaged a Pakistan with a federal structure that provided maximum powers to  the provinces.  March 23 is also important  because  on this day in 1956 the Dominion status of Pakistan under a Governor General  was changed by a new constitution  which defined the identity of the country as  the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The word  republic implies a democratic state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. Democracy in Pakistan follows  the Westminster model  with  a system of checks and balances in place  and  the scope and limitation of the  Parliament,  Executive  and  Judiciary, the three institutions of the state,  clearly defined. Under the constitution, the army  is  a department of the government with the sole mission of safeguarding the geographical   borders of the country and coming in aid  of  civil power when expressly called for.

The 18th Amendment which restored in the main the 1973 constitution also reduced the sense of deprivation among the provinces and brought parochialism under control thus strengthening the federation  which was becoming weaker on account of a rising sense of alienation in the provinces. The Senate has over the last two years darkly  hinted at certain forces contemplating reduction in the powers and resources allocated to  the provinces. Any doctrine which aims at strengthening the center at the expense of the provinces is bound to weaken the federation.

There is a need on the part of the three institutions of the state to strictly avoid transgressing  their  scope defined in the constitution. A perception is being formed that an overbearing judiciary is encroaching on the turfs of the Parliament and the government. The judiciary needs to avoid  dabbling into  issues for which it has little expertise or resources. It should avoid creating  expectations that it may find hard to fulfill.   It must strongly discourage suggestions like  the apex court  imposing a judicial Martial Law for three months prior to the election. Nawaz Sharif too needs to realise that the procedure defined in the 20th Amendment has to be strictly followed in the formation of a caretaker set up.