Pushing the system to the brink

  • Public confrontation with judiciary should end

Politicians are accused of corruption in the East Asian countries and Europe also. But once evidence starts pouring in, they come out clean on their doings, express contrition and voluntarily retire from politics. In Pakistan they destroy the evidence while in power or, pretending to be innocent, accuse the media and the judiciary of being hostile and malicious The former PM and daughter Maryam are holding meetings of party activists which they call the people’s courts, something unheard of since the 1789 French Revolution. They forget what happened to those who called upon the mobs to hold summary trials: the Reign of Terror, the Great Fear, the Guillotine and most of the leaders consigned to the fire that they had themselves ignited.

Nawaz Sharif took his case voluntarily to the apex court ignoring the opposition’s offer to resolve the matter in the Parliament. He expressed full confidence in the court and promised to abide by whatever verdict was delivered. When the first case was decided against him he accused the judges of malice and of sentencing him on someone else’s instructions. During the last few months the father and the daughter are vying with each in denouncing the judiciary in public. Speaking before worked up crowds Maryam asks them who would respect the judges if they pass such verdicts. She has gone to the extreme of calling upon the PML-N’s followers to defy the courts. She has accused five judges of having turned the entire judiciary into a political party. The campaign is aimed at publicly defaming the judiciary and preparing the PML-N workers to rebel against the courts if they pass another verdict against the Sharifs.

The campaign targeting the CJ and senior judges is also meant to pressurise the judge hearing references against the Sharifs. This cannot go on for long. As Aitzaz Ahsan put it the PML-N is conspiring to overthrow the system by consistently targeting judiciary.

The judges meanwhile need to avoid unnecessary remarks and giving unwanted explanations which invite further public comments. They should speak only through their judgments in simple language devoid of literary flourishes which create complications.


  1. Just remember cowards don’t face adversity and Nawaz Shar is a confirmed coward who compromised dignity he never had for personal security. This goes for the entire family. This moving to Saroor Palace was a golden opportunity to get artificial hair implant by both brothers and expand ‘business’. Both brothers are now looking for similar mercy. That’s all.

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