LAHORE: A spokesperson of the Punjab University (PU) on Friday said that action against the students involved in the varsity clashes of January 22 was taken as per the law, rules and regulations without any prejudice.
In a statement issued here, the PU spokesman said the administration would not tolerate any pressure from any student organisation and the students were expelled on the basis of strong evidence, however, they had their lawful right to file appeals with the vice chancellor.
He also said that a majority of the Baloch/Pashtun students was peaceful and serious.
“Around 600 Baloch/Pashtun students are studying in the varsity while the administration has expelled only four, and that too who were found guilty of carrying out violent acts in the university,” he added.
The PU spokesman further said that only 8 to 10 individuals belonging to different student groups were trying to destroy the varsity’s peace with the help of outsiders. On the other hand, he said, the administration expelled 13 students belonging to other student organisations.
The spokesperson said the administration was determined to maintain peace and tranquility on campus at all costs.