Railways advertising on huge walls in Karachi against SC orders


KARACHI: Pakistan Railways is using advertisement for its properties by erecting huge walls on main roads despite the ban imposed by the Supreme Court of Pakistan against billboards on the city’s major roads.
A Pakistan Railways official misbehaved with officials of the Sindh Building Control Authority (SBCA) when they tried to demolish the wall, lodging an FIR against SBCA as well.
SBCA Director General Agha Maqsood Abbas has forwarded a letter to the Chief Secretary Sindh Rizwan Memon, requesting him to look into the matter and take it up to the chief minister Sindh.

“The Supreme Court of Pakistan in its order dated 5.5.2016 was pleased to disallow the raising of advertising hoardings/billboards installed without permission. Such advertising hoardings were removed/uprooted from all over Karachi in compliance of the orders of the Supreme Court. Furthermore, Additional Attorney General was directed to finalise the proposed byelaws applicable in the whole city with the participation of all the stakeholders”, says the official letter exclusively available with Pakistan Today.

It says: “during last month, a significant development was observed in the whole city of Karachi where, on major roundabouts (public properties) the huge heavy walls had been raised having heights more than 14 feet meant for advertisement hoardings. Particular to mention is junction of Abdullah Haroon and Hoshang road, detached to Clifton Bridge where old compound wall by Pakistan Railways was raised up to 14 feet for advertisement purpose in violation of sub-section 3 of (6) of SBCO 1979 read with clause (9-12) of Karachi Building and Town Planning Regulations 2002 and in utter defiance of orders of Honourable Supreme Court.”

“The issue was highlighted in the main print media through editorials. Sindh Minister for Local Government was pleased to desire that the necessary action under the law may be initiated. In this regard, notices were issued and personal meeting with DDS and DCO Railways were held to advise for removal of the wall. Instead of removal of wall, the advertisement materials were placed heedlessly. ON failure of Pakistan Railways, on 21.1.2018 action was taken for removal of illegal walls”, the letter added.

During the action Pakistan Railways representatives tried to sabotage the SBCA’s action and also misbehaved with the officers and bogus fabricated FIR No 01/2018 was lodged against concerned Director and Deputy Director SBCA at Pakistan Railways, police station. Prior to registration of FIR by Pakistan Railways, a written complaint in PS Civil Line was lodged against the misbehaving and sabotaging the demolition action. The case is being adjudicated before the court of learned Sessions Judge, South, it said.

“The letter further says that presently the officers are on bail. In furtherance a meeting under the chair of Commission Karachi was held on 29-01-2018 to discuss the subject. The same was also attended by the DS and DDS Pakistan Railways, besides SBCA and Deputy Commission Malir. The commissioner Karachi was pleased to direct the Pakistan Railways Authority as well as SBCA for compliance of Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan orders.

It is to mention that in all over city, such huge wall have been erected for the advertisement purpose including the jurisdiction of cantonments. To inform general public, investors, advertisers and concerned authorities, a public notice on 16-2-2018 has been issued in leading newspaper. On 15-2-2018 FIR 06/2018 against Pakistan Railways has been registered at PS Civil Lines by the SBCA. Keeping in view the above, it is requested that the matter may kindly be taken up and honourable chief minister may kindly be apprised for taking further legal and other necessary action against Pakistan Railways so as the orders of Honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan may be implemented in letter and spirit and law may prevail,” the letter concluded.